Feedback on new 🍔 and user menus

I am trying this out:

I think it is a reasonable approach, on the left you have a link to “Profile”… on the right you have shortcuts to “stuff within Profile”

Bookmarks, messages and preferences are all visible in profile. One could make a strong argument that “messages” and “preferences” are probably more used than “bookmarks”.

UI wise being in the consistent gray coloring it does not seem to get in the way and cause too much distraction the strong blue on the other hand did.


@eviltrout if you have a custom header the positioning for the slideout style (for example try)

Also, not really sure we should always render so much whitespace there.

I’ve been away a few days. Why is there now a giant heading named “Profile” over the notifications in the menu?

(This is a rhetorical question.)

And where in the heck is the Log Out link? :smile:

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How so? If I am on a shared computer, for example, a logout button would be very useful. Maybe it could be a fourth one of these:

Going to the profile is not intuitive, and creates a lot of friction. As previously stated, there shouldn’t really be any friction at all, even if the case is very uncommon.

Maybe a poll?


If you want that, you can install a plugin for it (or use the log out keyboard shortcut we plan to add). Further discussion on this particular issue is no longer productive, and will not be tolerated.

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But isn’t that mostly because you’ve jammed notifications in the place otherwise used to access the profile, messages, and other personal things normally associated with my avatar…? It sounds like you want to remove almost everything that was already in that menu and just have it be notifications, which is something the notification bubble menu did perfectly fine already.


@eviltrout just to summarize some of the open issues:

  1. Search is way too narrow can be twice as wide maybe even more

  2. Positioning of slideout is broken on sites that have a custom header (like try.discourse) when you are on top.

  3. Huge amount of whitespace when in “slideout” mode (particularly bad in search)

  4. Styling of “selected” header item is off when expanded in slide out mode. (looks odd as an “open” square)

  5. The sequence = / renders search on top of hamburger

  6. No way to tab to “logout” on user profile page

  7. We need a keyboard shortcut to get to profile gp is proposed

  8. On route transition we are no longer collapsing expanded hamburger/user, this should happen.

  9. We need to experiment with a “horizontal” layout for Latest/New/Unread, should use the post tracker to get counts.

  10. Search on touch is terribad, @codinghorror and I discuss just taking you to full page search when you click the magnifying glass, tricky thing though is that you need to carry “context” checkboxes like “search within profile or topic”

  11. Expanded hamburger is behind composer, should be in front

  12. s we should look at a cleaner way of doing the localCache stuff for notifications[/s]

  13. People said the way notifications refresh can be a bit jarring … maybe a “refreshing” thing should display somewhere (but be careful to do that in an absolute panel (or at bottom) so stuff does not jump around)

  14. Flag red bubble should move to left side


Just for the record, I really like every change that has been made recently. I’m waiting on the changes to come to the ‘official’ hamburger menu, but so far it’s perfect for my use of Discourse.

We have a plugin which allows moderators to save PMs as usernotes. Every time I send a PM via the flag system, I then have to visit that PM in my messages to save it, so that’s multiple times a day. I know that’s not a typical set-up; just pointing out that there are different ways of working, and extensive use of PMs is not necessarily a Bad Thing.


I can think of three reasons just off the top of my head why a shortcut to messages is useful outside the scope of recent notifications:

  1. Returning to an already read private message to reference information it contains. e.g. “Oh hey what was that cool link that guy sent me that I didn’t have a chance to check out before.”
  2. Returning to an already read private message to make an additional reply. e.g. Bob and I have been chatting about this new game, I just now saw a news item on it so I want to message him about it, except I want to use the long conversation we’ve already been having instead of starting a new one.
  3. Sending a private message. Unless you happen to already be looking at their profile or a post they made so you can access their user card, the option to send a private message is fairly buried. First you have to go to your Profile, then scroll down, then click on Messages, then send a new message.

I think these are all legitimate use cases and don’t necessarily constitute “a bunch of private below the radar conversations,” i.e. they’re not automatically abuse of the system. There are real needs to use private messaging sometimes.

In any case, @sam 's latest changes using glyphs seem to solve the problem nicely.


What glyphs?
*sees glyphs*
Ah, those glyphs! Yes, that works :smile:

A fourth case: Often, the lack of response to an older message is what prompts me to send another PM to remind someone I’m still waiting for them. I get a lot of notifications, so often I have to dig through my PM list to find a week-old message.

That said, I’ve installed a userscript that pulls out my PMs to a separate glyph anyway. I’d be happy to get rid of it if there was an easier way in core, hence why I’m posting at all, but if not, I’ve got a solution that works(-ish) for me.


I am feeling much happier about the changes as of Monday morning and am super appreciative of the work done over the weekend. I know this type of change takes some guts to make and it’s you showing these guts that makes me love you guys all the more.

Some smallish feedback:

  • Ten notifications is too many for my laptop - the “view older notifications” link at bottom disappears off the bottom, esp if some are for posts with longer titles that wrap to more than 3-4 lines. If there is no way to simply display as many notifications as possible on the screen (10 is too few for my desktop!), maybe this issue could be allieviated by supplementing the “view older notifications” link below with a notifications glyph at the top alongside the bookmarks, messaging and preferences glyph?
  • I also miss the logout link and am a bit confused about it being relegated to the profile page. It’s my not-so-tech-savvy members in cybercafes in Africa who need to find it easily or have their sessions expire, not the power users who might use keyboard shortcuts.

One issue I have on my iPhone, maybe it was mentioned already:
The hamburger menu is not fully scrollable here on meta on mobile. I can’t see the last 3 categories.

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That discussion is here:

There are ways to put it back:

Is anyone else seeing alignment issues here (under the actual hamburger menu, not the new notification / profile menu):

Also, since those numbers represent new topics in those categories, should the color be blue to match with the indicator you’d see in the topic list?


Does it sound like the same as this?

Yes, just that on iOS, I can’t even scroll to the bottom.

I’m missing the ability to X out of menus, especially on mobile. On my discourse I have a custom menu above the discourse menu, which pushes the discourse menu down so it’s hidden behind the menus. If I scroll down it appears again and I am able to escape. phew

Even so, not sure if it’s intuitive enough that hitting ESC or selecting on the menu glyph or my avatar will close the menu again. Worth testing.

Tapping any area that is not the panel will dismiss it, e.g. activate the panel then

Tap right here → × ←


Is it possible to make the blue notification number on the profile pic clickable?

Intuitively I always click on the number and not the pic …