Files/Download Manager For Discourse

I think that your best bet for that is to host the files somewhere with access control, ACLs and stuff. Google Docs/Drive is a good example of that.


Hmm. Or possibly OwnCloud. At least an idea to explore!


any new idea for media/file manager ??

My Ā«Restrict FilesĀ» plugin solves the problem of access control to forum digital content (downloads).
The forum owner can grant the download permissions only to a particular forum groups / or to users with specified trust level and withdraw download permissions from other groups / users.
An example of restricted file:
You can not download it neither anonymously nor by just registering on the forum.
You must be a member of permitted user group to download the file.
You can test it yourself:
A test account without download permissions: login: test_bob, password: 123456
A test account with download permissions: login: test_john, password: 654321
A file is always permitted to be downloaded by its uploader.

I love this example provided here.

Iā€™m wondering about something with uploaded images.

I often upload an image and then change my mindā€¦ delete the image, and maybe upload a different one.

Iā€™m assuming that unused uploaded files, like that, are still stored on my instance somewhere.

Is there some kind of auto-remove feature that removes a file thatā€™s not actually displayed somewhere or attached to any topics? Iā€™m assuming not.

It would be helpful to see a list of the files being used on our instance, like the example @tobiaseigen gave, but also see where the asset is used/displayedā€¦ or that itā€™s NOT being used displayed.

Perhaps this is such an uncommon use case that it wouldnā€™t be worth developing a feature like this. 2mb doesnā€™t make a huge diff in storageā€¦ but if thereā€™s a lot of this happening, in a big forum, over timeā€¦ maybe it becomes more of a concern ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Update: This feature has been implemented.


Yes, files that are not present in any non-deleted post are ā€œtombstonedā€ after (7?) days and deleted after another (14?) days.