Fix plugin error: can no longer import topic-bulk-actions

What would you like done?

We have this plugin. It worked until about August 2023, then it broke because it can no longer import topic-bulk-actions from Discourse:

Presumably the Discourse code changed so these lines of our plugin need to change:

import { addBulkButton } from "discourse/controllers/topic-bulk-actions";
import TopicButtonAction from "discourse/controllers/topic-bulk-actions";

but there might be more breakage- I don’t know.

When do you need it done?

Next few weeks.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

Open to suggestions. Please PM me- do not post here “I’ll do it”.


This issue turned out to be non-trivial, but was fixed by @Arkshine quickly and professionally. He was proactive and communications were perfect. I recommend considering @Arkshine for your next project.


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