Form template for Personal messages

Is there any way to make Introducing Experimental Form Templates - announcements - Discourse Meta work for Personal messages also?

Hello Toni,

As far as I’m aware, there isn’t such a feature yet. Its not the same but would Creating pre-filled personal message links work?

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Thanks for the suggestion @ondrej

It’s a simple solution, but users make it problematic.
Many don’t fill in the questions in the template, some simply delete it, put answers in the wrong place or don’t even bother reading/following it.

That’s why I like the required fields approach where they have no choice but to fill them.

I hear your frustration. Users don’t read important stuff 99% of the time I feel.

I think your best bet it to create a feature request.

How would this work though? For example, form templates at the moment are locked down into categories. However, for Personal Messages, it would only make sense to allow creation of a form template to a group inbox.

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Because they don’t understand why it would be important. And 99% of the cases they are actually right :smirk: It is just important for admins and/or the company.

And that is the real issue to solve.

But forcing is one solution.

In my case it’s important for them. If they don’t say what product or version they use we’re not able to assist them properly. These are the fields I’m trying to get from them.