Formal german available?

I changed everything to default (en) in app.yml and did ./laucher rebuild app . After that the default language is English (US) and it behaves like before any changes to default locale are reverted from alone - that means the ui takes the change and when I accept the change (eg. to Deutsch) and go then into another tab in administration and then come back it is Englisch(US) again.

Does that mean that any changes to the default locale must always go via change in app.yml and the rebuild app ?

After I changed the default locale via app.yml to English(US) I could use the replace text button to change all text eg. TOS etc. from former German into English (because this is the default locale). That worked. But when I then try to change all text e.g. from now English new to German - that does not work.

Does that mean that Replace text only works towards the default locale of the discourse instance?

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To get started with my tests I set DISCOURSE_DEFAULT_LOCALE : de_formal and did ./launcher rebuild app. Then I replaced all text using the correspondig button.

On my test instance a login is required. When I log out I get the massage:

Ein Konto ist erforderlich. Bitte frage ein existierendes Mitglied nach einer Einladung oder melde dich an, um fortzufahren.

The corresponding text in administration is " login_required.welcome_message_invite_only". I double checked in transifex that there is no untranslated string with this text. but discourse (running with Deutsch(Sie)) is still showing the informal text.

Is it possible that the source language file in transifex is missing some text?

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I found the solution meanwhile. The reason was the setting ā€œset locale from accept language headerā€. I had this active and that resulted in the infomal text as the language header from my browser does not say ā€œde_formalā€


Is there any way to update the translations from transifex to discoure myself or do I need to ask you every time for updating the plugin ?

I am currently missing one key from discourse which is not available for translation on transifex :


Do you have any idea, where I can find this or why it is not available on transifex?


Yeah, that string is missing as itā€™s in a plugin and I donā€™t have the time right now to fix that. It will probably have to wait until I find some time to bring this over to Crowdin and implement a proper automated solution.

Iā€™ll try to make the updates from Transifex every week. Thatā€™s the best I can do for now. Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™ll try to work on a better solution in the upcoming months.


Can you please update the translations? Thanks in advance.

It would be good to find a solution that I can do it on my own. Any directions therefore ?


Done. You could create pull requests with updates for GitHub - gschlager/discourse-german-formal-locale: This plugin adds a formal version of German as a new locale to Discourse. by installing GitHub - transifex/cli: The Transifex command-line client and running bin/pull_translations.rb

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