Formal german available?

Oooh too many flowers! I’m still struggling.

  • Have a developement environment
  • Seem to have successfully installed the translations-manager. Is it correct it doesn’t show in the plugins section in the administration area?
  • Have set up a github project but cannot sync it with transifex. Fail on the config, I think. Or fail in understanding what is meant by “sync”. The Transifex project gets the new source files by the “Auto update resources”-mechanism. Do you per chance have an example config?
  • Still have not figured out how to get the translations once they’re in the repository…

Sigh. Hope to cope… please advice :exploding_head:


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Is there a possibility that the formal german language files could e.g. named client.de_DE.yml and checked into the discourse repository so that anyone can use them?


Yes, that would be the goal. Having something like de_formal should be possible. I’m not sure yet what easier to do: Getting the translations-manager work with a plugin or integrating the translations directly within Discourse.

I’d like to take a look at the current state of the translations. Did you see my request on Transifex to join the team at Discourse Formal German localization?


Funny, but no. No news on transifex for me.
Anyway, have invited you there. :wave:


Hi Dorothea,

thanks for the invite on Transifex and sorry for the delay. This topic somehow dropped off my radar. I’m adding it to my list of things I’d like to work on next week…


Here we go. Please give it a try.
This plugin includes the hard translation work done by @DDo! :+1:

While creating this plugin I noticed a missing feature in Discourse: The new de_formal locale doesn’t reuse the German locale defaults for site settings. I’ll enhance this in the future.

The translations on Transifex have been moved to Discourse Formal German localization.


Great stuff!
Works fine!

Just load the plugin, rebuild and the plugin is there and activated. Now you have a second german - named “Deutsch (Sie)” to choose as your language or as default locale.

This is really great!


Hi, we are going to use Discourse as a Social Intranet in our department and would like to use the formal german version, too. The plugin wasn’t updatet for several months, and the Transifex page reads “57% complete” - so is this plugin still best practice and maintained and updated to new versions of Discourse or should we start to translate on our own?


I just tested the plugin and choosing Deutsch (Sie) as my preferred language, and it looks pretty good to me. Most of the interface is translated into formal german and It appears to fall back to the informal german instead of to english when translations are missing. But not everything is translated into informal german either yet… though we are making good progress. My suggestion would be to go ahead and try the formal german, and contribute to the translation on Transifex.

Formal german example:

fallback to informal german example:

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I didn’t update the plugin because nobody was maintaining the formal translations anymore. I granted your request on Transifex as the translations for formal German are still on Transifex. Please mention me here in this topic if you made progress with the translations. I’ll update the plugin when that happens.


Excellent, I’ll give it a try.


We would like to use the fomal language version too.

As far as I can see today on transifex there is not much progress on the necessary translations for fomal German and I am not sure if the plgin is up to date ?

I will send you a request on transifex to get access and wil do the missing translations very soon.


Thanks for providing access in transifex. I already started the translations.

Just to be on the safe side:

  • German (de) is the source language. Is assured that this source reflects the current status of the discoure development or does it need any updates ?

On transifex there is a message “This organization is currently inactive. An administrator has paused the subscription” .

What does that really mean für translations and the chance to use this formal German language later on in discourse?


Yes, and it still seems to be updated regularly. Last update of the German source files was 5 days ago.

It should work fine for now, but I really should move this stuff over to Crowdin someday. Anyway, please mention me here when you made progress with the translation so that I can update the plugin with the new translations.


Thanks for the information - I will work on the transaltion every day - there is much left to do :slight_smile: - maybe I find some other victims here on my side to help. I will keep you posted about progress

I currently work to complete the server part - I do not really lnow for what the client part is ?


Both parts are important as all those translations are visible to the user.


I finished translation (both parts - server and client - 100 %) today.

@gerhard Can you please update the language in the plugin, so that I can set up a trial site to make some final quality checks in a running instance of discourse with the formal German language?

Is there anything special to consider when I want to use the new language from scratch - i.e. already during the initial setup?

Thanks for the support and possible hints how to proceed.


Thanks for the translations. The plugin has been updated.

You should be able to select the language in the wizard. For an existing site, you can do a manual update of system generated content. See Update seeded categories and topics.


Thanks for updating the plugin. I can now select Deutsch(Sie) in my profile settings. When I try to change the standard locale for the whole site from Deutsch to Deutsch(Sie), it every time switches from alone back to Deutsch. And the “Text ersetzen” button does nothing - it does not update e…g. Nutzungsbedingungen etc.

I am sure that I do something wrong somewhere in the setup process - maybe it is setting DISCOURSE_DEFAULT_LOCALE : de in app.yml?


Yes, that’s probably it.