Formatting toolbar

I’ve followed all the instructions and the addition toolbar options are not appearing on my site.

I’ve gone back into the nano editor to double-check that everything was entered properly, and it looks like it was. I “rebuilt” the app a second time… came back to my forums and the toolbar options are still not appearing.

I’ve checked the settings to make sure the toolbar is enabled, and it is.

At this point, I don’t know what to do to troubleshoot or figure out why it’s not showing up for me.

I even tried uninstalling… then installing the “ProCourse Installer” which allows you to - Install/remove plugins via the UI. It shows that I have the formatting toolbar installed…

but I’m still not seeing any updates to my editor.

One other note… I did have a draft topic post in my editor. I’ve since removed my draft and tried refreshing… opening different browsers, etc. and no matter what I’ve tried… I still can’t get the features in this formatting toolbar, to appear. :disappointed:

Any suggestions?

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