(Free) (Job Needed) Looking to moderate or help build forums

Hey Y’all,

Wondering if anyone needs a moderator or someone to customise forums for them.

I’ve done it 2 times in the past, one a year ago and another about 2 months ago. I’m quite experienced and I want to help


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How much do you charge?


Hey there!

It’s absolutely free!

Ps: If you’d like me to do it. Private Message me please


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What can I do

  1. Help with community engagement
  2. Make badges
  3. Help moderate
  4. Customisation
  5. Advertisements

Please consider private messaging me your forum, I’m happy to do trials or anything you’ll need


Hi @P3ter :slightly_smiling_face:

Being the moderator of a forum is quite a privileged position, and you may find you have more luck with this topic (or future ones) if you can demonstrate any relevant experience you have so people have a clearer idea of how good a fit you’d be for their forum.

What can work really well to build up a good Discourse reputation is helping people here on Meta with their forum questions, as that provides a public record of how knowledgable and supportive you can be across a broad range of possible issues. Submitting badge queries, plugin and theme component experience, update and installation issues, community advice (and so on) - there are lots of areas to contribute to, whilst also demonstrating your skills through those contributions.

Good luck with the search, and hopefully I’ll see more of you on the boards. :slight_smile: :crossed_fingers:


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