Full quote button in editor missing

It gives a general ”there was an error”. Nothing in logs (console is bit hard, ’cos I’m on iPad). Not a conflict with another components, and theme was Discourse default.

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I think the issue is that on iOS the copy only works if it comes from user interaction… It fails when it try to copy the quote. I will look for a solution if there are. :confused: There is the same issue in :page_facing_up: Copy Post Component.


You are propably totally right. That’s one, but not so important, reason why I have copy raw post button in use [1].

  1. but I must say I haven’t ever any issues to copy text from iPhone/iPad, but big parts where must scroll can be a bit ackward ↩︎

I tried a lots of way to fix this on iOS but it always fails on copy to clipboard because that wasn’t a real user interaction. So I’ve separated the actions and switches buttons between a prepare quote (which is fetching the quote) and copy quote (which is copy the quote to clipboard). This works fine. I also added a tooltip when the copy button appears.


I absolutely hate this. It is 10x faster to just press the quote button. Highlighting the whole post is messy.

Now I just accidentally press the bold button every time.

I think this is the stupidest decision ever.

Don’t fix what ain’t broke.


What is broken is really much matter of taste in this context. I hided quote button really early when I started my forum. Around 95% of my active users use mobiles, and I do my job on iPad — and no issues what so ever.

But I agree this should be an option. So we are missing tools to easily choose what to show and in which order. Wordpress-style I would say.

I would hide toolbar almost totally and move to facebook-style. That is (or was, haven’t check the situation nowadays) possible in mobiles, though.


I never even knew the button had been there, but now I see it I think it’s great :speech_balloon:

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I think the idea of pushing this without even a release notice is quite absurd, and the fact so many users want it and there is no response really tells a lot.

Will never pull an early upgrade again. This is just bad form.


I’ve made another theme component to add back the composer button. It works like the original quote post button worked in toolbar.


Awesome! It worked right ouf the box :slight_smile:

Checked the code and thought it looked clean and simple so i just deployed it to our cranky users.

Big thanks (=


Excellente! Thanks


It’s beautiful!


Thanks! I need this for later when my site updates. Or is it ok to add it in now, and leave it disabled until my site updates to the latest version?

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Sure, you can add it now and activate after update your site.


Well, my site just got updated with this and I’m getting questions.

I have some questions about this change:

  • Did you create some logs to track which buttons are used most? I have to imagine that there were other less used buttons.
  • Did you usability test people try to quote a post w/o the button?
  • Why not combine/next a few things on a hover/tap like Bold & Italic? Block Quote & Preformatted Text.
  • How about letting us choose what’s on our toolbar like you do with the Reactions. Give us a list that we can pick and choose from.

My use cases:

  • Discoverability: We’re always working to get new people to our site and some of these people do not have a lot of experience with forums. No button means the feature doesn’t exist to them.

  • Mobile: It’s harder to select text on mobile. If you’re like me and your hands shake a bit, you end up with the selection zipping up to the top and then to the bottom before you finally give up. And as someone mentioned, selecting a graphic is hard on mobile.

  • Gamification: We have a LOT of games on our site where you quote the previous person’s post. These games are a great way to get new people comfortable with using the forum. Also, I use it probably 100 times in 2-hours during my online happy hour event to quote a person and award them a prize. It’s much faster to use the button (one click) to selecting and then clicking.


Not exactly, no. We don’t track user behaviors at this level of granularity, nor do we do explicit user testing for every UI change.

For bigger changes, we do try to roll things out in a way that is not disruptive and allows us to gather more feedback from real usage.

We didn’t anticipate this change being one that deserved that kind of treatment. The feedback here suggests we may have gotten that wrong – and we’re listening.

I don’t have a specific answer for what we’ll do here yet in response to this feedback about this specific change – I need to sync with a few people who are out this week to weigh in on that front.

As Lindsey mentioned earlier, we are planning to make additional changes to the composer in the near future:

So we’ll also take the feedback we’ve gotten here so far into account in how we roll out additional changes as that work continues:


I think the main use case that the removal of this button affects the experience most negatively is the scenario where a user quotes someone from a post some time back.

It’s not exactly very efficient for someone who is reading a thread to see the context of those kinds of posts.

It’s a reasonably long-standing function of all internet forums of all types as well - the ‘insert full quote’.

It’s not just a Discourse standard.


Thanks so much Don - I’d love to quote you here but I’ll leave it as an example!

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Wouldn’t this solve out this question?

I used it at one point, but I removed it (plus the default quote button), because my users know how to quote using mobiles :joy: But it has its purposes when replying to older post.

OK, sometimes a short pass backwards is the best way to keep possession, so we’ve brought this back for now:

We may very well revisit this decision again in the future, but we’ll have more context to think about how, if/when we do.