Garage or Custom User Pages?

Hi, I have a car focused Discourse forum and thought it would be really neat to allow members to create their own “Garage” page in their User Profile. They could add specs and details about their cars and include a gallery. Would something like this be possible?


Create a “Garage” category had have people create one topic for each of their cars there, perhaps?


I’m looking for this feature as well. Something like facebook pages where users can add their own pages etc.

This already exists; users can create new topics which are conceptually the same as “pages” in Discourse.

The difference between user page and user topic is that in user page will include a pre setup format as follows:

  • Company name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Products
  • Social account

And other fields where the user will be forced to fill them up to create their page.

In topics, that goes without control and you will not have consistent user experience among the pages created by users.

If there is any work around this, that would be highly appreciated.

And thanks for this software

Oh you want custom forms, that’s far outside the scope of what Discourse does.

You could easily add a category template which includes that default text, but there’s no “fill out this form” provision in Discourse whatsoever.

You can add custom fields to the user card.

Also consider a micro-blog setup where the first post might contain the desired “user page” and you can link to it from the user’s profile.


Thank you @omarfilip.

I found the topic template in the category settings that does exactly what I want.
