Get Error Oops The software powering this discussion forum encountered an unexpected problem after upgrade

I get this message after upgrade via command .launcher rebuild app :

The software powering this discussion forum encountered an unexpected problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Detailed information about the error was logged, and an automatic notification generated. We’ll take a look at it.

No further action is necessary. However, if the error condition persists, you can provide additional detail, including steps to reproduce the error, by posting a discussion topic in the site’s feedback category.

I don’t get log with link This is 404 error page normal.
Access safe mode page Ok, but not action when choice:

  • Disable themes and theme components
  • Disable unofficial client-side plugin customizations
  • Disable all client-side plugin customizations

I put ## before each line get plugin in app.yml file . Only for back Docker manager plugin.

And run command launcher Rebuild app.
But not effect.
I restart my Vultr server after 1 hours But unstill get same Message OPS.


Hmm. :thinking: This is a tricky one. There’s not a lot to go on with the error in the browser console.

I’m wondering if you can’t see the /logs because you’re not logged in. It may be possible to use the admin login page to bypass whatever is going on and get access to the logs, if you could give that a try (/u/admin-login).


I input my email admin and get link login session in email, but when follow that link i meet back That Message again:


That was a bit of a long shot.

It is unusual that commenting out the plugins doesn’t help. When you rebuilt afterwards, was the rebuild successful?

1 Like

Tks, Success.
Yesterday, i rebuild app OK, my forum OK. Later i get noticefication Updrade in Admin page, I Upgrade via website. Later i get message “Ops… …”
So i rebuild with via commandline again. And error to now.

Here is my Logs in page Log

CSP Violation: ''
5 Jun 8:27 am
CSP Violation: ''
5 Jun 8:27 am
CSP Violation: ''
5 Jun 8:27 am
CSP Violation: ''
5 Jun 8:27 am
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.min_trust_level_to_allow_ignore` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.ignore_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/discourse/lib/gua
8 Jun 7:55 pm
CSP Violation: ''
10 Jun 9:32 pm
CSP Violation: ''
16 Jun 3:24 pm
CSP Violation: ''
16 Jun 3:24 pm
CSP Violation: 'wasm-eval'
22 Jun 10:05 am
ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique (PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_topic_tags_on_topic_id_and_tag_id" DETAIL: Key (topic_id, tag_id)=(65105, 601) alread
30 Jun 11:47 am
Failed to handle exception in exception app middleware : ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique : PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_topic_tags_on_topic_id_and_t
30 Jun 11:47 am
NoMethodError (undefined method `scan' for {:one=>"Categories (%{count} more)…", :other=>"Categories (%{count} more)…"}:Hash) lib/i18n/i18n_interpolation_keys_finder.rb:6:in `find' app/controllers/adm
30 Jun 9:19 pm
CSP Violation: 'eval' () => { utils.preloadCache() }
1 Jul 11:34 pm
NoMethodError (undefined method `slug_path' for nil:NilClass) app/models/category.rb:1103:in `slug_path' app/models/category.rb:945:in `block in url' lib/distributed_cache.rb:20:in `defer_get_set' app
4 Jul 9:59 am
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
4 Jul 3:23 pm
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
4 Jul 3:23 pm
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
5 Jul 4:17 pm
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
5 Jul 4:17 pm
Deprecation notice: `AdminDashboardData#add_problem_check` is deprecated. Implement a class that inherits `ProblemCheck` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-si
6 Jul 1:00 am
CSP Violation: ''
Su 4:33 pm
CSP Violation: ''
Su 4:33 pm
CSP Violation: ''
Su 4:33 pm
CSP Violation: ''
Su 4:33 pm
CSP Violation: ''
Su 4:33 pm
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `slug_path' for nil:NilClass) app/models/category.rb:1103:in `slug_path' app/models/category.rb:945:in `block in url' lib/distributed_cache.rb:20:in `defe
Mo 6:50 pm
RequestTracker.get_data failed : Encoding::UndefinedConversionError : "\xA3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
Tu 2:15 am
RequestTracker.get_data failed : Encoding::UndefinedConversionError : "\xA1" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
Tu 3:52 pm
Deprecation notice: `UsersController#modify_user_params` method is deprecated. Please use the `users_controller_update_user_params` modifier instead. (deprecated since Discourse 3.1.0.beta4) (removal
Tu 11:18 pm
Deprecation notice: `AdminDashboardData#add_problem_check` is deprecated. Implement a class that inherits `ProblemCheck` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-si
We 2:46 pm
Corrupt cache... skipping entry for key _CACHE:sitemap/1/50000 : ArgumentError : dump format error (user class)
We 6:39 pm
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
We 10:51 pm
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
We 10:51 pm
Deprecation notice: `AdminDashboardData#add_problem_check` is deprecated. Implement a class that inherits `ProblemCheck` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-si
5:40 am
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
5:57 am
Failed to handle exception in exception app middleware : ActionView::Template::Error : {:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}
5:57 am
Deprecation notice: `AdminDashboardData#add_problem_check` is deprecated. Implement a class that inherits `ProblemCheck` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-si
8:49 am
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
9:03 am
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
9:18 am
Deprecation notice: `AdminDashboardData#add_problem_check` is deprecated. Implement a class that inherits `ProblemCheck` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-si
10:11 am
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
10:48 am
NoMethodError (undefined method `slug_path' for nil) app/models/category.rb:1229:in `slug_path' app/models/category.rb:1069:in `block in url' lib/distributed_cache.rb:20:in `defer_get_set' app/models/
12:26 pm
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
1:21 pm
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
1:46 pm
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
1:48 pm
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
1:52 pm
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
2:10 pm
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
2:23 pm
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
2:24 pm
ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in `output_MF' app/controllers/
2:25 pm
Failed to handle exception in exception app middleware : ActionView::Template::Error : {:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}
2:25 pm

That ‘record not unique’ error suggests that you have a corrupt index. You’ll need to find the topics that define fixing that (mostly delete the duplicate tags).

Do you have tags in both upper and lower case, perchance? (like mytag and myTag)

1 Like

I remember not,
Is there any SSH command to list created tags?
However, even though I can’t access the homepage in the new tab, luckily my browser still retains the old tab before upgrading, and I can still load many new topics on the homepage.

Can you navigate to the tags page?

But you’ll need to resolve your database problem by hand. It’ll be easiest to just delete the duplicate entries.

I think there are a couple of topics about doing that in some other cases.

I think you try to rebuild the index, find the thing that causes it to fail and then delete it and do that until it works.

I tried to access tag page but it didn’t work. This error occurred when I upgraded. Why does the forum still work normally without upgrading? How resolve your database problem by hand? I’m a normal user, not dev :frowning:

I don’t know. Perhaps something changed and now tags are case insensitive? Or maybe it’s a bug.

But this looks like it has to do with tags not being unique somehow:

It’s not a task for a normal user.

1 Like

And How about this error ActionView::Template::Error ({:cause=>#<MiniRacer::RuntimeError: Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:>}) lib/js_locale_helper.rb:153:in output_MF’ app/controllers/`

Before, I use Remove Dashes from Tag Names. Are they the cause of duplicate Tags?

I access success to tag page:

There is all tags in tags page, And I didn’t find any pairs of duplicate tags

View tag page detail


Xếp theo: đếm tên

Đắc địa

Góc 2 mặt tiền x 70

Góc 3 mặt tiền x 2

Góc 4 mặt tiền x 1


Add Villa x 4

Mặt Bằng Kinh Doanh

Raise Building x 2

Dự án

Vinhomes Central Park x 1


Bắc x 1

Đông x 1

Đông Bắc x 1

Đông Nam x 1

Nam x 1

Tây x 1

Tây Bắc x 1

Kinh doanh

24h x 3

Anh ngữ

Cafe x 7

Cây xăng x 1

Chuỗi x 58

Cửa hàng thực phẩm x 1

Điện thoại x 2

Game x 1

Giải trí x 6

Giao hàng x 1

Giặt ủi x 1

Giày dép x 3

Gym x 1

Hầm rựu x 1

Karaoke x 8

Mắt kính x 1

Nhà hàng x 10

Nha khoa x 2

Nhà sách x 2

Nhà thuốc x 3

Nội thất x 5

Phòng công chứng

Phòng khám x 2

Phòng thu x 1

Pizza x 2

Quán ăn x 2

Quán nhậu x 3

Salon x 1

Sang x 1

Showroom x 10

Siêu thị x 8

Spa x 3

Thời trang x 11

Thức ăn nhanh x 2

Tiệm net x 1

Trà sữa x 1

Trái cây x 1

Trang sức x 1

Trường học x 2

Văn phòng x 18

Xe hơi x 1

Xe máy x 2

Xì gà x 1

Loại BĐS

Biệt thự Villa x 20

Căn hộ chung cư x 27

Căn hộ dịch vụ x 1

Chung cư x 23

Đất x 11


Kho xưởng x 1

Kiot vỉa hè


Mặt bằng Nhà phố x 361


Phòng trọ

Sân thượng x 1

ShophouseViet x 3

Tòa nhà x 3

Văn phòng x 18

Loại giao dịch

Bán x 47

Cần mua x 32

Cần thuê x 413

Cho thuê x 12942

Mặt tiền (m)

Ngang 10m x 632

Ngang 11m x 539

Ngang 12m x 553

Ngang 13m x 396

Ngang 14m x 403

Ngang 15m x 504

Ngang 16m x 332

Ngang 17m x 158

Ngang 18m x 262

Ngang 19m x 38

Ngang 20m x 445

Ngang 3m x 988

Ngang 4m x 1562

Ngang 5m x 907

Ngang 6m x 977

Ngang 7m x 978

Ngang 8m x 959

Ngang 9m x 976

Mục đích sử dụng

Đầu tư x 1

Để ở x 5

Kinh doanh x 392





Bình Chánh

Bình Tân x 1

Bình Thạnh x 2

Cần Giờ x 1

Củ Chi x 1

Gò Vấp x 1

Hóc Môn x 1

Nhà Bè x 1

Quận 1 x 2

Quận 10 x 1

Quận 11 x 1

Quận 12 x 2

Quận 2 x 1

Quận 3 x 1

Quận 4 x 1

Quận 5 x 1

Quận 6 x 1

Quận 7 x 1

Quận 8 x 1

Quận 9 x 1

Quận Phú Nhuận x 1

Tân Bình

Tân Phú x 1

Thủ Đức x 1

Trạng thái giao dịch

Chưa xác định x 1

Đã giao dịch x 2

Đang giao dịch x 1

Ngưng giao dịch x 1

Vị trí

Hẻm ngõ x 8

Mặt tiền x 12914

Nội bộ x 1

Các thẻ khác

3PN x 2

4 lầu x 1

Bán đất x 2

Bán nhà x 1

Bình Trị Đông A x 1

Cơ hội x 2

Có Video x 6

cv x 1

Đã cập nhật sổ hồng x 2

Đã đặt cọc x 1

Đà Nẵng x 1

Đất trống x 1

DT 10x24m x 1

DT 17x31m x 1

DT 4x16m x 1

DT 4X17M x 1

DT 4x18 x 1

DT 4x20 x 1

DT 5x15m x 1

DT 5x19m x 1

DT 6x28 x 1

DT 7x21m x 1

DT 8x15m x 1

DT 8x20m x 1

DT 8x22m x 1

DT 8x26m x 1

DT 9x41m x 1

DT đất 105m2 x 1

DT: 10x7m x 1

DT: 6x17m x 1

DTS 120m2

DTS 2880m2 x 1

DTSD 805m2 x 1

dự án x 1

Flycam x 1

Giá 100 tỷ x 1

Giá 108 tỷ x 1

Giá 110 tỷ x 1

Giá 130 tỷ x 1

Giá 150 tỷ x 3

Giá 180 tỷ x 1

Giá 200 tỷ x 1

Giá 218 tỷ x 1

Giá 220 tỷ x 1

Giá 26 tỷ x 1

Giá 27 tỷ x 1

Giá 28 tỷ x 3

Giá 31 tỷ x 1

Giá 34 tỷ x 1

Giá 35 tỷ x 1

Giá 36 tỷ x 1

Giá 43 tỷ x 1

Giá 48 tỷ x 1

Giá 53 tỷ x 1

Giá 55 tỷ x 1

Giá 60 tỷ x 2

Giá 63 tỷ x 1

Giá 7 tỷ x 1

Giá 70 tỷ x 1

Giá 74 tỷ x 1

Giá 76 tỷ x 1

Giá 79 tỷ x 1

Giá 80 triệu x 1

Giá 80 tỷ x 1

Giá 85 tỷ x 1

Giá đất 350 triệu m2 x 1

Giá thuê 50 triệu x 1

Giá thuê 50 triệu tháng x 1

Giá: 27 tỷ x 1

Giá: 29 tỷ x 1

Giá: 32 tỷ x 1

Giá: 39 tỷ x 1

Kết cấu 7 lầu x 1

Kết cấu trệt 7 lầu x 1

khách nhà bán x 1

Không thuê x 2

Khu cây xanh x 1

Loại BĐS x 2

Mặt bằng x 1

Mặt Bằng Đẹp x 69

Mặt tiền 17

Mặt tiền 4m x 1

Ngang 26m x 1

Ngang 29m x 1

Ngưng bán x 2

Ngưng cho thuê x 1

Nhà x 5

Nhà Bến Nghé x 1

Nhà phố x 5

Nhà VT x 1

Phân khúc 100 200 tỷ x 3

Phần khúc 100 200 tỷ x 1

Phân khúc 20 50 tỷ x 1

Phân khúc 200 300 tỷ x 1

Phân khúc 50 100 tỷ x 3

Phân khúc dưới 10 tỷ x 1

Phường 13 Phú Nhuận x 1

Phường 9 Quận 3

Phường Bến Nghé x 5

Phường Bến Thành x 174

Phường Cầu Kho x 1

Phường Cầu Ông Lãnh x 1

Phường Đa Kao x 2

Phường Nguyễn Thái Bình x 2

Phường Thảo Điền x 3

Phường Võ Thị Sáu x 2

Quy hoạch Nhà ở Đô Thị x 1

Sang nhượng x 2

Tân Định x 1

TDT 62m2

Thiết kế Decor x 14

Thuê bao x 1

Tòa nhà văn phòng x 2

TPHCM x 417

Trệt 2 lầu x 1

Việc làm x 13

Villa x 1

vnBuildings x 4

Võ Văn Kiệt x 1

VP x 1

Xuống giá x 1

I see 2 tag same “Phân” & “Phần”
Phân khúc 100 200 tỷ x 3
Phần khúc 100 200 tỷ x 1

i deleted this tag:
Phần khúc 100 200 tỷ x 1
But unstill not access Homepage :frowning:


As this is a theme-component you can disable it in components tab. Not sure if it could cause the issue as these from my understanding are client side modifications. This component in particular is just altering appearance of tags. No harm though testing to rule it out.

Where your database is server side.

1 Like

Yeah! @Heliosurge I access to Setting page and turn off of all theme component and select default theme, And access Home page but not effect.

1 Like

If running in safe mode not working. Then you may need to consider posting in marketplace if your not familiar/comfortable with the with rebuilding by hand.

I know by what @pfaffman said I would need to seek help I this situation.

Hello, what Administrative Bulk Operations to i can delete (topic_id, tag_id)=(65105, 601) ?

Thank you

1 Like

I created the topic Need to resolve my database problem by hand error with tags not being unique after upgrade forum And I have received support from @ itsbhanusharma but still can’t find the cause.

I restored the Vultr server that I backed up in April 2024. Then I restored the backed up data in the Dashboard .tar.gz file. But still got the same error as above. It seems that this backup (.tar.gz file) has the same error, although it was restored, the website cannot be accessed.

I have reused the Vultr server version 044/2024 and developed the content until now.

Today, I accessed admin/customize/site_texts/js.topic.read_more_MF?locale=en_GB

To translate the contents

topic remaining
or browse other topics in
view latest topics

  true {
    { UNREAD, plural,
         =0 {}
        one {There is <a href="{basePath}/unread"># unread</a>}
      other {There are <a href="{basePath}/unread"># unread</a>}
    { NEW, plural,
         =0 {}
        one { and <a href="{basePath}/new"># new</a> topic remaining,}
      other { and <a href="{basePath}/new"># new</a> topics remaining,}
  false {
    { UNREAD, plural,
         =0 {}
        one {There is <a href="{basePath}/unread"># unread</a> topic remaining,}
      other {There are <a href="{basePath}/unread"># unread</a> topics remaining,}
    { NEW, plural,
         =0 {}
        one {There is <a href="{basePath}/new"># new</a> topic remaining,}
      other {There are <a href="{basePath}/new"># new</a> topics remaining,}
  other {}
{ HAS_CATEGORY, select,
  true { or browse other topics in {categoryLink}}
  false { or <a href="{basePath}/latest">view latest topics</a>}
  other {}

With English it is Successful but with Vietnamese i get error message when saving from settings that:
Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:

and i find this error coincide with page Log:

Is there any correlation?

Have you read the topic on how those strings are translated?

Why do you customize the text on your forum? Is there a mistake in the translation or do you just prefer a different wording?


Thank you so much for your tutorial, i read it and edited it as follows and it displayed sucessfull:

  true {
    { UNREAD, plural,
        =0 {}
        other {Có <a href="{basePath}/unread"># tin còn lại</a>}
    { NEW, plural,
        =0 {}
        other { và <a href="{basePath}/new"># new</a> chưa đọc,}
  false {
    { UNREAD, plural,
        =0 {}
        other {Có <a href="{basePath}/unread"># tin còn lại</a> chưa đọc,}
    { NEW, plural,
        =0 {}
        other {Có <a href="{basePath}/new"># tin mới</a> chưa đọc,}
  other {}
{ HAS_CATEGORY, select,
  true { hoặc xem tin tức khác trong {categoryLink}}
  false { hoặc <a href="{basePath}/latest">xem tin mới nhất</a>}
  other {}
1 Like