Get Error Oops The software powering this discussion forum encountered an unexpected problem after upgrade

I created the topic Need to resolve my database problem by hand error with tags not being unique after upgrade forum And I have received support from @ itsbhanusharma but still can’t find the cause.

I restored the Vultr server that I backed up in April 2024. Then I restored the backed up data in the Dashboard .tar.gz file. But still got the same error as above. It seems that this backup (.tar.gz file) has the same error, although it was restored, the website cannot be accessed.

I have reused the Vultr server version 044/2024 and developed the content until now.

Today, I accessed admin/customize/site_texts/js.topic.read_more_MF?locale=en_GB

To translate the contents

topic remaining
or browse other topics in
view latest topics

  true {
    { UNREAD, plural,
         =0 {}
        one {There is <a href="{basePath}/unread"># unread</a>}
      other {There are <a href="{basePath}/unread"># unread</a>}
    { NEW, plural,
         =0 {}
        one { and <a href="{basePath}/new"># new</a> topic remaining,}
      other { and <a href="{basePath}/new"># new</a> topics remaining,}
  false {
    { UNREAD, plural,
         =0 {}
        one {There is <a href="{basePath}/unread"># unread</a> topic remaining,}
      other {There are <a href="{basePath}/unread"># unread</a> topics remaining,}
    { NEW, plural,
         =0 {}
        one {There is <a href="{basePath}/new"># new</a> topic remaining,}
      other {There are <a href="{basePath}/new"># new</a> topics remaining,}
  other {}
{ HAS_CATEGORY, select,
  true { or browse other topics in {categoryLink}}
  false { or <a href="{basePath}/latest">view latest topics</a>}
  other {}

With English it is Successful but with Vietnamese i get error message when saving from settings that:
Error: The plural case one is not valid in this locale at line 4 col 15:

and i find this error coincide with page Log:

Is there any correlation?