I think the text in the github boxes should be truncated. It does not look beautiful when linking to a commit with a long description, see this example:
I think the text in the github boxes should be truncated. It does not look beautiful when linking to a commit with a long description, see this example:
Sure, PR to onebox welcome GitHub - discourse/onebox: A gem for turning URLs into website previews
Here’s a better idea: Only the first line of the commit should be in the big size and blue, the later lines should be non-bold and normal, and have proper linebreaks in them.
Would be more difficult to do, though.
We needs less imagineering here and more shipping
Yep, it’s entirely possible that what I described would be butt-ugly…
I am not that Ruby pro, but I will have a look at this. Maybe I am able to fix it.
Try this one https://github.com/discourse/onebox/pull/257
merged, could be closed, @codinghorror