GitHub onebox does not skip leading tabs

An incorrect rendering (the code uses tabs):

A correct rendering (the code uses spaces):


I don’t understand why this is a bug. The file contains tabs… so it is displaying tabs. Discourse isn’t adding any additional tabs, it is still displaying 4 of them.

Are you saying the onebox should replace tabs with spaces? As why should a onebox alter content of the file it is referencing?

The Github onebox strips leading spaces, but not tabs.


If that’s the case then we might extend this to tabs as well for consistency so @dmitry_fedyuk has a point.


Ah, so that seems to be as simple as changing (and its other usage ^[ ]{#{min_space}})
^[ ]*



There are two lines these change would need to be made on:

  m = l.match /^[ ]*/ # find leading spaces 0 or more


  re = "^[ ]{#{min_space}}"  #match the minimum spaces of the line

Please be specific about white spacing (i.e. use [ \t]), using \s may cause unicode white-space ghosts past, present and future to come back and kick your ass.


Actually, I don’t think that is a concern, if Ruby’s regex uses PCRE, it only matches a subset of values unless it is specifically compiled in a way that can put a strain on performance using the PCRE_UCP option.

Plus that non-whitespace would have to be at the start of a line, which is unlikely too, granted, I guess someone could write a literal string across multiple lines.

Fairly certain \s is safe, but I also have nothing against specifying \t. Another approach would be to replace all instances of \t at the beginning of a line with 4 spaces and let the logic continue on its way since it already works with spaces.

So I’d say there is a very very small chance that \s would be problematic. Especially given that it would have to be a multi-line literal string. Otherwise, there would be zero chance of it the line starting with a unicode whitespace.