Got stuck on a yarn warning when trying to install

English is not my native language, if there are grammatical errors in this post, please edit it, thank you!

When I tried to install Discourse on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, it got stuck at one operation for more than 15 minutes. Here is the final output:

I, [2024-08-17T06:30:34.444182 #1] INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && find /var/www/discourse ! -user discourse -exec chown discourse {} \+
I, [2024-08-17T06:30:39.190877 #1] INFO -- :
I, [2024-08-17T06:30:39.193815 #1] INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && if [ "tests-passed" != "tests-passed" ]; then
rm -rf app/assets/javascripts/node_modules fi I, [2024-08-17T06:30:39.196750 #1] INFO -- : I, [2024-08-17T06:30:39.197209 #1] INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'yarn config set network-timeout 60000 -g' I , [2024-08-17T06:30:39.709544 #1] INFO -- : yarn config v1.22.22 success Set "network-timeout" to "60000". Done in 0.10s. I, [2024-08-17T06:30:39.710063 #1] INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn cache clean'
warning Resolution field "unset-value@2.0.1" is incompatible with requested version "unset-value@^1.0.0"

Steps I performed:

  • cd /var/discourse
  • ./discourse-setup
  • Enter site information
  • Wait for a while
  • Stay on the above output

I followed the guide in discourse/docs/ at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub to install.
If I did anything wrong, please let me know, thank you!

But did the install succeed? This is (somewhat) expected on lower end networks, and/or on slower machines.


Oh yeah, when I tried accessing again, it worked fine.


But I think it’s worth noting that every time I rebuild, etc., I’ll be stuck at this step for several minutes.
I’m not sure what’s causing this, is it a network issue?

It’s either a network speed issue, or a disk speed issue, IIRC.

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