Grey Amber theme used on Meta

Hello all.

Here on meta there is a nice theme called Grey Amber, that we can choose in the theme toggle.

I’d like to have this theme installed in my forum. Is it available for public use?

I’d like the same theme used in meta, not just the color palette as described here: Why doesn't the site exist?

Kind regards,

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You can add this color scheme and select it for the default theme or create a new one with this color scheme.


I hope that helps.


Thanks for the help, Arkshine. But I want all the theme, not just the collor scheme.

Here on meta there are more differences than just the color scheme. The main difference I’d like to have is the user card appearance:


Using just the color scheme will not replicate this user card appearance.

That’s why I’d like to have the full theme, not just the color scheme… or maybe, if this is the only difference, how could I replicate it without installing the full theme?

This appearance is related to Usercard Redesign Experiment. You can install it on your forum.


Very good! Thank you very much :smiley:

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Just in case, be aware of this if you use the redesign experiment theme component:


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