Group API, empty response

I have a small program that daily does some work on the groups of my Discourse installation, and to do that it starts by fetching all the groups using the json API:


Suddenly a few days ago this call stopped working. Now I get a 200 response code (the login is OK, and there is no error in the logs), but the response is empty and its content type is text/plain.

I’m running v1.9.0.beta5 +8, but I cannot check if this happened at the same time as an upgrade, because the system admin is on vacation :stuck_out_tongue:

Any thoughs?

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We moved this route to


I see, thanks!

Is there a list of modified routes?

It’s very rare to modify routes like that, but since we had a lot of new stuff around groups, this route was needed for normal users and had to be moved from /admin scope.


Looks like this route changed too… : {{base_url}}/admin/groups

Do the Discourse’s API is up to date?Discourse API Docs

That is the exact same route OP is talking about.

It was moved 3 years ago indeed. What is the specific problem you have?


The Postman file shared by Discourse have some issues in configuration Params & Headers.

I finally got it work by activate the “grant permissions” for the user in Discourse Settings interface and by adding headers like this: