Group navigation sidebar menu sections

@Lilly Fantastic theme component! We are testing it right now as a “replacement” for inbox links as we want to phase out DMs for general public in favor or Chat.

Just two questions:

  1. As inbox link we are using /my/messages. Since it’s rewritten to /u//messages, the link is not highlighted when the user visits the page. Is there any way to enable that? there way to adjust the position of the menu in the sidebar relative to the core entries? We would like to place the section all the way at the bottom.
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  1. None of the links in the sidebar are highlighted when visited by default, that I know of. only when mouse-over or clicked. But that sort of visual formatting is theme dependent. Can be achieved with some mouse-effects CSS I think. I think perhaps:
.sidebar-section-link-wrapper {
    color: $current_link_font_color;
    background: $current_link_background_color;

where $current_link_font_color and $current_link_background_color are color palette variables or hardcoded to whatever you want.

  1. This is the method to use for this: