Group-specific Whispers in addition to staff

Oh sure, this feature would need to be in a plugin or more likely in core due to the level of change involved.

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Is this idea though maybe easier than a full independent whisper system for other groups?

Imagine with going the plugin route it could have an additional toggle if whisper is create for staff only or open to a group. Though likely best to keep the idea simple to not have problems of greater complexity may cause.

But permissioning a wider group is already implemented?


What is being discussed here is having two types (aka “levels”) of whispers, one which is strictly for staff.

I guess you could summarise the requirement as: “add an additional whisper type that is staff only”, since we already have the arbitrary variety.

Or more flexibly “add an additional whisper type that can also be permissioned with specific groups” …


You can add additional groups yes to be able use Whispers but any group added can see all whispers.

So yes I believe the initial idea was to create independent whisper systems. Which would be I imagine quite the task.

So I am wondering then with my rambling idea presented then in a plugin augmenting the core feature to remove hide whispers made by staff to remove/hide from other groups.

Could a less secure test be done first with a component that would of course be less secure?

Maybe this concept could be added as a general group feature with many functions moving from TL to groups? Group if toggled has Whisper function in category/ies they have category security permission.

To do this properly you need two types of whispers (which would probably mean an additional post_type) and two settings imho.

I don’t think it’s any more complicated or simpler than that.

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Makes sense. Which is why was thinking maybe a hacky solution may work even in a component. Staff would just need to know with extending this in this way to not use the whisper for truly sensitive info. Even though in theory if those who grant whisper ability to make n Staff groups should be on a level of trust to not be trying to circumvent the site looking for loop holes to exploit. As jrgong I presume the group by the sounds of things are a higher trustable group of members.

I personally think you’d want to do this properly or not at all.


Agreed that would be best practise with really anything imho vs hacky things which could be more prone to break.

Personally myself I think whispers are cool. But do recall in earlier days of it being rolled out it had some unexpected glitches that had exposed the whispers to the public in some cases.

I think an out of the box idea would be to create a pm/group message about say an issue. And simply use the whisper to post the pm link as only people with access can open the link to the pm/group mailbox. Only thing with this idea is it takes more actions to get the info vs just lazy post in a whisper.

But if it is not too sensitive and just something. Like mods please monitor this topic. Then a whisper is all that is needed.

I learned unintentionally that I could open a pm link(after being elevated to admin) when a member posted one.

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I like idea of two separate whispers. And that is totally Robert’s fault :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well I believe when Jam responded in this topic or one like it. That was the premise was to have 2 or more completely independent whisper systems.

So with me was thinking of maybe an outside of the box interim workable workaround that might be easier to accomplish.

Personally as mentioned in my last post think linking to a group pm or group private category ie a staff only category. Would be a very simple non code workable procedure. As the link can use back to return to topic whisper or simply open link in a new window. Keeping any truly sensitive info out of the whisper system.

However we all want things yesterday. :joy: