Group Timezones

:warning: This theme component has been deprecated and its functionality is now included in the Discourse Calendar (and Event) plugin

:discourse2: Summary Group Timezones can help you display people of a group in a timezone ordered list. It will also show who is on holiday/week-end/out of working hours.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:open_book: New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes


This is useful for people using Discourse with a remote and distributed team to work on projects.


:warning: This plugin relies on the timezone field of a User being set. This field is available at the moment only when using discourse-calendar, so you need to have this plugin to use this component.

[wrap=group-timezones group=project-x-team][/wrap]
  • group is mandatory
  • size is optional and accepts: small, medium, large, auto


Name Description
working day start hour When the working day starts
working day end hour When the working day ends
close to working day hours extension How many hours around start/end working hours are acceptable if urgent to get in contact with someone
working days Which days of the week are worked
Translation Default
search Search…
group_availability %{group} availability