Guest Gate Theme Component

Hi Don! Thank you for your very good plugin.
I can’t get the 1st text to be large or bold.

“En t’inscrivant au forum, tu reçois la formation marketing “TROUVER DES CLIENTS”, d’une valeur de 99 euros (offerte aux membres actifs)”

Can you help me please ?


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Hello @Karym :wave:

You can use HTML to format the text.

For example this should make the text bold.

<strong>En t’inscrivant au forum, tu reçois la formation marketing “TROUVER DES CLIENTS”, d’une valeur de 99 euros (offerte aux membres actifs)</strong>

Sorry but it doesn’t work for me. Is it here that i have to add the html ?

Oh yeah the big text is not allow HTML it’s in H2 tags. So it should use the H2 style. Right now the little text allows HTML only. I’ll check this.


Hello :wave:

I’ve made an update to this component.
This update contains:

  1. Suits to the new core modal changes.
  2. I converted the footer links to button (btn-transparent). (This way we can removed the js which controlled the links to show the modal.
  3. I removed the external logins (social logins) from guest gate modal. (I try to keep it more clean… this section required to use a hacky js which always crashed on updates…so I think it’s better to remove.) There is not too much reason to keep this on the guest gate modal since if user clicks to the login or signup buttons the external login buttons will be on the those modals.
  4. I made the big text to HTML safe.
  5. I added a new setting to change separately the footer text color (this is the or text). Previously it used the footer links color.

:warning: I will update the stable version too. This update removed the method which wasn’t available on stable Discourse version. So now with a little more change it can compatible with the stable version too.


It appears the component is currently broken @Don. I’m testing this on a site that was updated yesterday


Hello, It seems to be work for me on tests-passed latest Discourse. Is that site on stable?

The theme component has a stable version which is not contains the new core changes.

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But maybe this?

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I tested it on Ember 5.


I rebuilded an hour ago and I don’t get any errors, including guest gate.


I reinstalled the component again and now it no longer gives me errors


Hi, I want to create a theme component that calls guest gate modal when user clicks on something. Is it possible? @Don