Hamburger menu for RTL

There’s an issue with the sliding hamburger menu in RTL. The menu appears in the middle of the screen at all times making the forum unfunctional. After pressing the hamburger menu it moves to the right place (in the left side of the screen because we are in RTL).
Here’s how it looks like, the square in the middle of the screen is part of the hamburger menu!


It’s a simple fix. It will get done as soon as they finalize the ltr layout. You could try adding this as custom css for the moment:

.rtl #hamburger-menu.slideright {
  transform: translateX(-330px);
  -webkit-transform: translateX(-330px);

great we have a temporary fix for now. thanks!

I"ll be glad to hear when there is a fix for this.
thanks again!

For there to be a proper fix they need to change the order of the source code a little bit. I’m sure they will do it soon. In the meantime, if you have updated to the latest (1.4.0.beta10) then adding this as custom css in admin>customize>css/html will at least get the menus fully onto the screen.

.rtl .menu-panel.drop-down[style],
.rtl .menu-panel.slide-in[style] {
    left: 0 !important;

You need to also add this code to the mobile customize area (click on the phone icon in the admin>customize>css/html editor and a new editor that applies styles to mobile will appear.)


The dropdown menus work correctly for RTL layouts in the most recent version of Discourse (1.4.0.beta12). You no longer need to add custom css.


Cool, closing this then :smile: