Has anyone ever had trouble indexing their communities on google

I have been waiting quite a long time for google to index my pages (one month plus) and I am wondering if there could be something wrong…

I have a site registered with discourse, but I use a re-direct to my website and I think this could be related…

I know google takes a while to index pages, I just want to be sure there’s no issue so I’m not waiting for months like tool!

Any help this this would be greatly appreciated

If you don’t have one yet, get a Google account. You can look at reports, tweak things, etc. Google is not the only search, but I think the more one learns from them the more an understanding of Google search not existing solely for any site other than advertisers. If you go by their guidelines you will do fine.


To clarify, Google Webmaster account: https://www.google.com/webmasters


Thanks for reply! Really appreciate it

I have a webmaster account

The issue is that it’s taking especially long to index all the pages and sometimes the pages are removed from google when they’ve already been indexed!