Hi, I am new to Discourse and just installed it on my server this morning. When I went in to the admin panel it shows this 3.5.0.beta2-dev as the current version. I think I might have installed the wrong version.
Maybe it is correct but I wasn’t expecting it to have beta and dev in the version name which is why I think I may have installed the wrong current version.
Discourse has somewhat confusion way. I don’t say it is bad way, but most of us has used to system where new versions come public every now and then. Here it is, as Thomas said, like ongoing rolling system.
Discourse has stable versions too. Those are versions from that point when the team moves to new dev/beta number. After that it gets some bug fixes, nothing more. So stable is lagging behind with new features.
Some are using these versions, but then plugins and components may be problematic. If you ever get any issues, the first question will be have you upgraded Discourse, because this and that is using some thing that is offered only by latest dev-version.