Headline optimization

We all understand the importance of a good headline (topic title), for engagement within the forum, but perhaps more importantly, to drive organic traffic from the outside. I just came across this headline optimizer, and it seems to me like the smartest thing you could do with your headlines. To summarize, this WordPress plugin automates A/B testing of different headlines and settles on the winner after some time.

Then I thought, this functionality could make for a great Discourse plugin! Making it would be far beyond my current abilities (I’m a programmer, but just started getting my feet wet with programming for the web) But one day…

For now, I’d appreciate your input on how such a plugin ought to work on a forum.


You could use an existing service like Optimizely for this.


Does it integrate with Discourse?

It’s been a few years since I’ve used it but in the past it was certainly possible.