Health Check: Check out my forum & tell me if it sucks & why

Hi, I’m the owner of

The forum is growing & there is lots of great content, but it feels a bit messy & I’m worried that it’s getting hard for new users to find the stuff they need.

I am wondering, can experienced members @staff of this community take a look and give me some feedback / tips about the current health of our community and how to improve it?

If not, I’m happy to research it myself, please link me some articles about how to better manage a growing community & keep it thriving & healthy

Here is our user data:

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I’d highly recommend asking your question over at FeverBee. They’re a community all about building communities.


Hey – I can help. :slight_smile:

Your forum doesn’t look too different from any other out of the box install. Are there particular things that you are concerned about?

Without knowing how old the forum is, your stats look very healthy for a community of practice/interest.

The only slightly strange things that I noticed were posts like this which don’t need to be in public forums

There are also quite a few people that are posting forum support questions in general threads. You don’t really have an on-boarding process. I’d edit the initial discobot post to have one clear CTA.

I manage the site mentioned above. You’re very welcome to join us for community building support. (Thanks @jomaxro)


hey! thanks for the feedback hawk

any examples of a decent “on-boarding process”

Call To Action? so this is part of the automated email that gets sent when user signs up? So better instructions on how to use the site? What is a good example of a clear CTA

All good.

Here are a couple of discussions that should give you some ideas[quote=“onloop, post:4, topic:65100”]
Call To Action? so this is part of the automated email that gets sent when user signs up? So better instructions on how to use the site? What is a good example of a clear CTA

Yup, call to action. it doesn’t need to be part of the email, but I would do that. I’d choose one topic (or action) that you want every new member to do in order to make the smartest first move on your site. I’d add that to discobot’s message, your welcome email, and a banner topic. You can see that in action in another community that I run here: