Best Practices for Effective Onboarding in Discourse Forums

Hi everyone,

As the community continues to grow, I’ve been thinking about how the onboarding process can be improved to make it more engaging and user-friendly. While our current resources, such as video tutorials, guides, and forums are helpful, I believe there’s room for enhancement to ensure that new users feel comfortable and confident when they first join.

I’d like to start a discussion on best practices for onboarding. What strategies have you found to be most effective in making the onboarding experience ‘sticky’ for yourself? Are there specific features within Discourse or other sites that we could leverage better, or perhaps some creative ideas that have worked well in other communities you’ve been part of?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas! :grinning:


I did a talk on this at a conference a few years back. I can’t find the recording but here are the slide deck and script.


Thanks for sharing the slide deck and script—both are very insightful!

To build on this, here are some reflections and actionable steps:

  1. Set Clear Expectations: From the moment a new member joins, they should understand what the community offers and what is expected from them. This includes guidelines, key discussions, and how they can contribute.
  2. Equip and Educate: Provide users with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the platform effectively. This could be through detailed tutorials, introductory posts, or personalized member guided tours within the forum.
  3. Personalize Communication: Personalized onboarding is crucial. A welcoming personal message offering assistance can significantly enhance new users’ experience and motivate them to engage actively. This is especially important because users are typically working independently and the extra motivation is helpful to feel connected and involved, much like the personal approach Hawk mentioned in her lecture.
  4. Focus on First Impressions: A well-designed onboarding process helps new members feel connected and valued. Implementing simple, clear workflows that guide user to relevant content and communities can help them find their interests more quickly.
  5. Iterate and Improve: Onboarding isn’t a one-time effort. Users should want to continuously learn and grow! Regularly gather feedback from new members, monitor engagement statistics, and be prepared to adjust our approach to keep the onboarding experience effective and relevant. A fresh perspective can help identify bugs, imperfections, and potential barriers or obstacles in the onboarding process.

These practices both help in familiarizing new members with the forum and build a strong, active community from the start :hugs:

Perhaps this thread can serve as a forum for new or experienced users to freely discuss their experiences, providing valuable feedback that higher-ups can use to reflect on to further smooth out the onboarding process. :wrench: