Hi everybody,
I want to create a new forum based on breaking news. For that, I need two features that I can´t find in Admin Settings:
update topics on Home automatically. The same feature inside topics (automatically updates new posts) but at Home.
New topics as default at Home. I can only set up as default Latest or Top from Settings ( desktop category page style) but not New. Is that possible?
Thanks in advance
I think the news plugin should work; the demo is here: discourse.angusmcleod.com.au/news
Check the requirements: News Plugin 📰
Thanks, but the news plugin does not help me.
I need a way to change the order in which the topics are displayed in the home. I need them to be shown in order of creation only.
I do not want you to order the debates by activity.
Show by creation date, the newest first, and the others below.
It’s possible?
Categories have an option to set the list’s order by “creation”. And work just fine. 
But, forum’s HOME page does not follow the order from categories 
Any idea for this @sam or other discourse’s guru? 
PS: by the way, happy birthday Sam !
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(Sam Saffron)
We don’t have an option at the moment for default order on home page, this would require a plugin of sorts.