HELP! How do I see invoices for a deleted forum?

For part of 2018 I had a Discourse forum and absolutely LOVED it. Sadly, I couldn’t get enough members from me Facebook to transition so I begrudgingly cancelled it. However now I need access to my billing history but have no idea where to find it since there’s no forum to log into anymore and there seems to be no billing history option on Can anyone please help? Thanks so much. Love you guys, love what you do. I hate being back on Facebook and I miss Discourse every day!


When your forum was up, did you ever have the receipts emailed to you? If you did, they were sent to your email address you used for Admin contact.
Looking for a billing history for 2018 from a no longer existent forum seems impossible, but Discourse may have kept a record. :pray: I suggest you email with your request.


Thanks, @JimPas. I just did a search through my Inbox and found email versions of the receipts. Yes, that’ll work fine. Thanks again!

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