Help me get Discourse set up for the first time

I’m a newbie here and I haven’t really understood how discourse works yet.
So I simply would like to know where to write the script or what to start.
This might be a silly question but could anyone give me some advice or help me with it please?


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Hi @keikei

What exactly are you trying to do?


Hi there! Try to use search on the site. If you fail to find smth, you can ask about it specifically.
Start with this: Categories - Discourse Meta

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I would like to create new badges and I found this topic.

What I actually want to do is to create new badges that are given to the users who make contributions in a specific category.

I know I can create new badges in the badge section in admin but I have no idea how I can set up the conditions to grant the badges to users, or the automation of granting the badges.

Can you please tell me what to start?


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Have at look at Badge SQL can no longer be edited by default and Triggered custom badge queries

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I’ve read them already and as I mentioned, I have totally no idea where I can write and run this script:

./launcher enter app
rails c
> SiteSetting.enable_badge_sql = true

I think there is no space to write it in admin and so I’m wondering if there is something I have to do before writing it.

Am I on the right track? If so, what do I have to do first?

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You need to be typing this into the console in a terminal session.

in ~/var/discourse

You get there by opening a console from your server hosting service website or ssh ing in as root.

Then cd /var/discourse


This has to be run in the command prompt of the server hosting your Discourse site. If you didn’t set up the server, have the person who did work on this for you. Or, if you are paying for Discourse hosting, ask the hosting company if they are willing to do it for you.

Hope that helps.


Thank you @merefield @jtbayly

My understanding is that I have to set up a VPS for my discourse site first and then I can run the script through the VPS. Is it right?
If so, could you please recommend me which VPS I should have for discourse?
I am not sure if I can set it up myself or should ask someone else to do it for me but I want to have some clues before then.

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If you’re following the standard install guide then DigitalOcean is the recommendation. The install process will work at other hosts including Google and Amazon, but isn’t guaranteed to be as straightforward.

Their $5 option is fine to start out with.


Thank you. I will look into it.

If you already have a Discourse site, signing up for a VPS is going to require you to also move your site. That’s not something I would try to tackle without help.

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Thank you! That helps me a lot!

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Yes, I already have a Discourse site. But it has just launched and only has a few users now.
Do you think I should cancel the site once and restart everything? If it is too difficult to move the site to the VPS, I think it’ll be an option since it’s only the beginning yet.

I would not move to a VPS if I were you for this functionality. The real question is who is hosting it right now, and have you verified they won’t set this up for you?


I signed up Standard Plan so I think it’s hosted by discourse?
I’m so confused now…
So if I have a VPS and move to it, or maybe create new site on VPS, do I not need to pay for the Standard Plan anymore?



Ahh… that’s great news.
I think I know what I should do now.
Anyway, thank you for everything! You’re a lifesaver!

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