Help us build the new 2.0 Dashboard

I can’t wait!!! :star_struck:

If you think everyone will want something different, then maybe just go by what you think will be most useful.

Sounds good :+1:t3:

It’s great! Thank you all!

Ah nice, might have to consider adding that.

Again, can’t wait to see what you add!

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Widen the page how? It’s already full screen. With blank space at both sides, so my screen is over the max-widht.

Yup, makes sense to me.


Another quick suggestion… would it be possible to add a ‘URL added’ column to the post edit block and then add an indication if a URL was added in the edit? Could be a great way to minimise edit spam :slight_smile: (might even be worth making it some kind of alert for mods too) :slight_smile:

If not (or perhaps additionally) I wonder if the number of posts an ‘editor’ has made might be useful knowing too? If not many, it could be a spammer.

Thanks Sarah :slight_smile:


Have you checked other Themes? Do they exhibit the same issue?

Just tried with the default theme, and looks the same


On a 1920x1200 pixels display, Firefox full screen


I just pushed a fix that will prevent those activity metrics from wrapping


The new “revisions” col has been added. (Thanks to @simon )

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When possible reports will now display avatars:


It looks like the data is being rounded off in the summary now.

That makes me sad.


Not sure if you are talking of an error or if you just don’t like 1100 being converted to 1.1k ?

I prefer the exact total rather that it bring rounded up or down.

I actually prefer the rounded format. It also helps to save space. What I could envisage is having the title attribute set to the exact value, so you can mouseover value and know the exact value if you need it. I think that’s a good compromise, no?


As long as I can see the exact total without having to export and open Xcel that would be golden :smiley:

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I agree that it seems wrong that the reports pages are not showing the exact numbers. It’s fine for rounded numbers on the dashboard where trends are being rolled up, but the reports are supposed to be drilled down to the real data.


ok then I will make single page reports not format numbers

What if the rounding was changed to always display 3 significant figures?

123 (<-- current)
12.3k (<-- current)

I think this is actually better in general than getting anywhere between 2-4 digits.


I have some problems with the backup date:
Discourse only updates the backup date in the new dashboard when i do a manual backup.

I have daily backups set.

Here’s the dashboard:

And here are the real backups:

My discourse version is:

Also: i see that there’s a difference between the time shown in the dashboard: Latest: August 1, 2018 9:27 AM and the time in the backup: chat-tbp-land-2018-08-01-213949-v20180729092926.tar.gz. Why is that?


Concerning the backup not being updated, I think updating to master might fix it. I have pushed some fixes to our backuper lib in the last weeks.

Concerning the other issue, I just pushed a fix:

This commit will also now display last_backup_at and last_updated_at in the user timezone which I think is better in this case.


I just updated (via web ui), and i see a different weird behavior:

After the update it shows me that i did a backup today (at some weird hour), which is untrue, i didn’t do any backups!

It’s even weirder: after doing a ctrl+f5 refresh, i no longer have any graphs, or backup info: