"Hide new user profiles" setting applies to TL2 users

The description of this setting implies that only TL1/TL0 users are affected:

Hide trust level 1 or lower user profiles from the public and trust level 1 users until they post for the first time.

However, if you manually promote a user that has not made any public posts for the first time to TL2, their profile is still hidden when this setting is enabled. I don’t see any way to make their profile public without completely disabling this setting.

I have a user who has no public posts, but is nevertheless active in our community and wanted a public profile to share contact information with others. I made a manual exception to their trust level so they could have one, and couldn’t figure out why their profile was still hidden before going through all the settings and discovering this behavior.


When this setting is enabled, it hides profiles of users who are at trust level 1 (TL1) or lower until they have made their first public post. However, even if you manually promote such users to trust level 2 (TL2) without them making any public posts, their profiles remain hidden, as the visibility logic does not solely depend on the trust level but also on whether the user has made a public post.

In scenarios like yours, where a user actively contributes without public posts and needs a visible profile, the only way to make their profile public is to either:

  1. Ensure the user makes at least one public post.
  2. Disable the setting altogether, which might not align with your larger community preferences.
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Which contradicts the setting’s description, which is the issue raised by the author.

The condition for reference:


I see @ted / @hugh I guess the bug here is that this code should be:

if user.user_stat.blank? || 
     user.user_stat.post_count == 0 && 