Batch unhide posts

We made a tiny mistake on our instance where we set a user to trust level 0. This hid all of their posts… Any way to automatically unhide them now? There are thousands of posts, so doing it manually is out of the question. Thanks.

Were all the posts in categories that require > TL0 ?

I don’t think so. But the default trust level for our users is trust level one.

Yeah hi that user was me… My trust level was set to 0, and there were about 5000 posts, so doing it manually is out of the question. :confused: @codinghorror @sam

This is a bad idea, and I strongly advise against this. TL0 has important spam protection. You are opening yourself up to a lot of spam with TL1 default.

I just added this to the site setting description:

Default trust level (0-4) for all new users. WARNING! Changing this will put you at serious risk for spam.

That’s not the issue we’re having (nor have we had that issue in the past). We use SSO which requires a different sign up method, so we don’t get spam bots or anything. Anyway, this is a topic for another time :stuck_out_tongue:

OK cool, with SSO enabled it is probably safe, but we have seen sites with bad login protections (no captcha, no email verification, etc) do much worse with SSO enabled. We’ve had to go back and enable many spam protections that we normally disable with SSO turned on.

Also, by the way, we tried to change that users trust level back to zero… with no change. I might just go back and change all posts [200] to listed if there isn’t a fix.

Okay then, put this in a psql console:

discourse=# UPDATE posts
SET hidden = false, hidden_reason_id = NULL, hidden_at = NULL
WHERE user_id = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username_lower = 'fhtzoob')

discourse=# \q

Or, from a Rails console: (./launcher enter app then rails c)

ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql("UPDATE posts
SET hidden = false, hidden_reason_id = NULL, hidden_at = NULL
WHERE user_id = ?", User.find_by_username("fthzoob").id)

Awesome! Thank you very much :smile:

Um… not all my posts came back…

I think you’ll have to log in for the posts to update… which you can’t since your suspended.

In that case wouldn’t the procedure be to 99999 Suspend instead of dropping Trust Level below the minimum?

Yup. That’s what we did. Another admin did it because he misunderstood what it did.

@riking How about unlisting topics? Here’s my guess:

ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql("UPDATE topics
SET hidden = false, hidden_reason_id = NULL, hidden_at = NULL
WHERE user_id = ?", User.find_by_username("fthzoob").id)

You want visible = true.

Hmm. It doesn’t like that.

PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR:  column "hidden_reason_id" of relation "topics" does not exist
LINE 2: SET visible = true, hidden_reason_id = NULL, hidden_at = NUL...

Removed hidden_reason_id, then got this:

PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR:  column "hidden_at" of relation "topics" does not exist
LINE 2: SET visible = true, hidden_at = NULL

Removed hidden_at, then got this:

PG::SyntaxError: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "WHERE"
LINE 3: WHERE user_id = 8048
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I had a similar problem. Used the following and it worked. First, entered ./launcher enter app then rails c and then:

ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql("UPDATE posts
SET hidden = false, hidden_reason_id = NULL, hidden_at = NULL
WHERE user_id = ?", User.find_by_username("USER_NAME_HERE").id)

@codinghorror this does not happen too much, but I wonder if we should have some protection here for our “hiding” code, maybe if you have more than N (100) posts don’t ever do a batch hide?


Yes that does sound like a good idea