Hide poll result from anonymous

Hi, is there a way to hide poll result from anonymous? I’m creating a forum about exam question solving which allow user to choose an answer for question. I don’t need my members to give false answer just to see others’ answers, but I want to prevent anonymous from seeing it too.

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One more thing, I try to find a way to hide reply from anonymous too but found nothing. Does such function exist?

Hi, I just figured it out. If anyone want to try, you can create a theme component and add this to head

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">api.onPageChange(() => {
        if (!Discourse.User.current()) {
            const pollContainers = document.querySelectorAll('.poll');

            pollContainers.forEach(poll => {
                const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
                    mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
                        if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
                            const resultsButton = poll.querySelector('.toggle-results');
                            if (resultsButton) {

                observer.observe(poll, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true });

                // Remove existing buttons if present
                const existingButton = poll.querySelector('.toggle-results');
                if (existingButton) {

This will even prevent the “Results” button to show up when someone votes.

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