Hide staff from /about page

Have you tried to create a new group say group name “hidden staff” add yourself there an hide that group from about? I believe this is @Moin 's suggestion. Then in theory it should only hide those members regardless if they are in mid or admin groups without hiding other mods & admins.

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Sure I can. I was a boss man in that group, and same time I got the shield icon [1], so disapperiang from admin list was just something that happened. Nothing more.

(And I don’t value /about as much as most here. It is rarely visited by real humans and contact info, T&C etc must have easier access. So for me this question is more academic than practical and I’m wondering if I hide it totally)

  1. my forum is small enough and users are good behaing adults, so moderators are just backing me up, so I don’t need-need moderators. I could even put them on TL4 ↩︎

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Hey @Jagster and @Heliosurge. Are you talking about this theme component (that I’m pretty sure is about to no longer be needed) or about


I’m not totally sure what we are talking about now :rofl: but my point was the setting about page hidden groups.


My apologies as I believe we are discussing the new feature and not your TC.


I believe I may have started it. :slight_smile:

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I set “about page hidden groups” to moderators, but it hid admins as well, even though I didn’t select admins.

How do I go about fixing this?


I may have solved my own question. I don’t think that, like myself, an owner of the forum needs to be a moderator, do we?


There are notifications that are only send to moderators. For example

From UX: make first admin a moderator to review user approvals. by vinothkannans · Pull Request #26588 · discourse/discourse · GitHub :

Previously, when the new site was created and after the first admin login, no one will receive notifications to review the user approval queue since only the moderators would receive the PMs about it.


No but I believe if you’re not in the moderators group; you will not receive mod mail or flag notifications.

Doh moin covered this. :wink:

Try creating a new group. Add yourself and put that group in the hide from about. @Moin suggested this earlier


On my forum I am listed only as an Admin. I do have 1 Mod that I also gave Admin privileges to (she has 2 shields in the User List), and 1 person is a Mod only. So, no, an owner doesn’t have to be listed as a Moderator.

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Thank you for the clarification!

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