Hide topics for guests according to title plugin or similar for discourse

Hi, is there a way to hide threads from the guests according to the title? such as with keywords (+prv or +18) such as vbulletin through this program: Show Thread Enhancements - Hide threads to guests according to title - vBulletin.org Forum. I have seen other forum systems like nodebb, xenforo or invision already use it. I have fallen in love with discourse and I want to apply that plugin.
Thak you very much!!

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Nobody knows about this…?

No, there are no ways to implement per-topic permissions. If you want to make certain topics visible to different audience you would use a category with different access rights.

In Categories you can use Security and set base permission to see/create/reply to a Trust level.

But can plugins be made of anything, if I get codes from other forum softwares, can’t they be translated and adapted to this? I still have not seen how make plugins are in Discourse but I think it could be the same way