House Ads in the official Ad Plugin

Not true. You can see our own ads (“Stay hydrated!”) below that last post of a topic when you’re not logged in.


I think I came across a small bug:

Expected behaviour: Both house ads are shown after another.
Actual behavior: Only the ad that is added later is shown.

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It will display one of the list randomly.


Strange, I’ll look into my code and share the link here. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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Hi! Our “Topic above suggested” ad is not completely below the “Reply” button by default here?

This is how the ad appears for unregistered or ‘not-logged-in’ users, the ad goes right side.

This is how the ad appears for logged-in users, below the “Watching” button and in a proper centralized way we coded. You can check this on our HBB Forum.

Using extra “margin-bottom” will affect the already perfect one for registered users view. Kindly let me know your thoughts, please.


I’m working on something for this issue, but my browser’s cache is acting weird, I’ll share an update if it works. Thank you. :smiley:

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Looks like a problem with your html and/or css. Add css like clear: both;, display: block, etc. whatever is necessary there.



Is there any code to display banner on mobile since when i did as video, there is no switch when access forum on mobile. And the banner with dimension 728x90 will not fit mobile screen.

Anyone know please,


You’ll need to make it responsive. You have total freedom on the html and styling, so responsive CSS is up to you.


Thank @neil , I found the way to do it.


Testing this plugin now and seems super useful. Thanks @neil!

A few quick points of feedback / suggestions:

  1. Tweak to improve default formatting for between posts ads: these go full width unless explicitly set otherwise, which works fine for top / bottom of page, but in posts stream can interfere with the topic timeline. I think the between posts ads should have a default max-width same as post content. To approximate this I added .house-post-bottom {max-width: 700px;}

  2. Seems that renaming an ad also removes it from the display locations setting. May be easy to miss; probably ideal to catch the rename and update in the locations instead if possible.

  3. For me at least, on saving a new ad + adding to a location, it takes a few minutes to actually show up on the site. Not sure if that’s avoidable (or if others are noticing this at all); not a major issue but makes testing a bit slower.

  4. One idea to extend this that came to mind is adding a per-ad group setting. I’m thinking of cases where it’d be useful to e.g. show certain ads to only anons, and other ads only to logged in users. Or different ads to different group-based tiers on a membership site (to ‘join’ vs. ‘upgrade’ for example).


Hi All,

1- I’m trying to track the number of clicks on a banner, i’m adding the below code, but it seem not to be working, any suggestions ?

<a href="" onclick="ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘banniere’, ‘petiteetoile’, ‘ban-petites-etoiles’);">

2 - What would be the best way to track impression per banner ?

Many thanks,

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how to fix this ?

i like to be like this

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Are there errors in the javascript console? Looks like it should work to me. I’ll leave it to ad experts to give suggestions about impression tracking.

The CSS we use for the let’s encrypt is this. Adjust for your html:

.house-creative {
    margin: 0 !important;

.h-creative {
    display: block;
    clear: both;
    max-width: 500px;
    color: $primary !important;
    background-color: $secondary;
    .container {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        width: 100%;
        padding: 6px 0;
    p {
        margin: 0 20px;
    .product-image {
        width: 150px;
        height: 150px;
    img {
        max-width: 150px;
        max-height: 150px;
        &.mozilla {
            max-width: 300px;
    .big {
        font-size: 24px;
        line-height: normal;
        padding-bottom: 10px;

.mobile-device .house-creative {
    .product-image {
        width: 120px;
        height: 120px;
    img {
        max-width: 120px;
        max-height: 120px;
        &.mozilla {
            max-width: 240px;

So i need to add it to my theme css ?

By the w8 after core update geting this

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Yes, the best thing to do would be to create a theme component to hold all of your House Ad CSS then add it to your active themes.


Don’t we have a meta howto for this @tshenry


We do now! WIP can be found here: House Ad Templates


Do you have an ad blocker installed in your browser? Are there any errors in the javascript console?


Not worked m8 still the same

thanx that helped … no im using brave broser so i tried from diferent browser …

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