How can I add an attribute to User model?

I am trying to modify a plugin.
The following code failed and threw an error like:

#  total_points is a sum table with column "total_earned_points".
module MyModel::UserExtension
  def self.prepended(base)
    base.has_many :user_points, class_name: 'MyModel::UserPoint'
    base.has_one :total_point, class_name: 'MyModel::TotalPoint'
 reloadable_patch do |plugin|
    User.class_eval { prepend MyModel::UserExtension }

 add_to_class(:user, :total_earned_points) do
    # self.user_points.sum(:reward_points)

I am very new to rails. Could you please tell me what is wrong with it?
Thanks so much!

Sorry this might not be much help, but it’s fast. :slight_smile:

Something that you expect to be an array is nil. Mabye args is nil and needs to be a []?

You can also take a look at GitHub - discourse/all-the-plugins to try to find examples of what you’re trying to do (I can’t quite tell what you’re trying to do).

Check out discourse-calendar. It adds an Event class, which seems pretty analogous to what you’re trying to do.

There are a bunch of plugins taht have a similar reloadable_patch block, though.

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Thank you for reply!
I just create a new table and want to add one of the columns of the table to user table.

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I change

add_to_class(:user, :total_earned_points) do
    # self.user_points.sum(:reward_points)


add_to_class(:user, :total_earned_points) do
    # self.user_points.sum(:reward_points)

still doesn’t work. :cold_sweat:
Can anyone help me?