How can I add "dislike" button?

Or is there a debugger I can use that will show me the instance variables and routes by clicking and interacting with the web page?

The Retort plugin is a small plugin (a few pages of code), and is incredibly close to what you want to do ā€“ it is just more general and lacks the ties into the trust level system. You definitely should start by understanding how it works!

I agree (with the sarkasm). But the challenge is to find out what exactly people want. Itā€™s a challenge because ā€œpeopleā€ implies diverse needs and opinions and you need to find a way to decide which path to take. This is why I quoted from ā€œHow does the Discourse project workā€, not because I necessarily agree with all the criteria layed out there but because this is how the Discourse project works.

I wouldnā€™t say that ā€œcomplaints driven software developmentā€ is much about "people knowing better than others. If were referring to the Discourse philosophy, then I wonder whether you mean to imply that there shouldnā€™t be any philosophy or whether anyone should be allowed to change it at will or whether you just wanted to call the ā€œanti-downvote policyā€ into question.

If the latter is the case (which was how I understood you) you simply have to be aware that this goes very deep into the basic philosophy of Discourse, and to point that out was the only point of my post.

Although I do agree that the tone on this forum is not always as friendly and argument oriented as it could be, I would say that your request has been treated with much goodwill here, in spite of it going against the Discourse philosophy. The point of disagreement is probably in just how much an effort a community should make to assist a member in achieving something they themselves donā€™t really believe in.

Iā€™m using it but I think I having the same issue as another user in that itā€™s not showing up in any of the posts and no errors. But of course I definitely will go through his code to understand how he did it since itā€™s so similar. Would you consider this relevant to what Iā€™m trying to do? I found it in the plugin api file:

   * Add a new button below a post with your plugin.
   * The `callback` function will be called whenever the post menu is rendered,
   * and if you return an object with the button details it will be rendered.
   * Example:
   * ```
   * api.addPostMenuButton('coffee', () => {
   *   return {
   *     action: 'drinkCoffee',
   *     icon: 'coffee',
   *     className: 'hot-coffee',
   *     title: 'coffee.title',
   *     position: 'first'  // can be `first`, `last` or `second-last-hidden`
   *   };
   * });

  addPostMenuButton(name, callback) {
    addButton(name, callback);

In truth, I do find the ā€œphilosophyā€ irrelevant. Itā€™s not what attracted me to using this platform. I think itā€™s great they feel so strongly about their idea of a perfect community, but itā€™s a bit much to expect everyone who is taking advantage of the open-source nature to feel the same way especially when Iā€™m not contributing in a development basis, but production. Iā€™m not trying to dictate what they believe should be the core platform. This isnā€™t a feature request. I posted here because the people here are very knowledgeable about how this system works; as they should be they created it. Iā€™m asking they share their knowledge so that I can be able to take full advantage. Yet people would rather tell you what they think you should have instead of answering your question. If itā€™s technically or logistically impossible, that makes sense but to stonewall me due to a purely philosophical basis is not open discourse or whatever they claim.


I think this is relevant. Hereā€™s why:


Thank you so much for connecting the dots!

^ :thumbsup:

Iā€™m curious.

Are those users hesitant about flagging posts that donā€™t fit?

Do they, maybe, imagine that flagging will not lead to an agreeable outcome?

Are those users accustomed to the immediacy of publicly showing their distaste for something? (Thatā€™s not a loaded question. If thatā€™s their habit, thatā€™s just the way it is, no good pretending otherwise.)

Do they get a group feelgood factor from collective distaste?

The appearance of thick skin can be deceiving :slight_smile: but I guess that if a person will knowingly speak or write in an area where negativity is a feature, the person should be prepared to apply his or her own bandage after being cut.

Or (@mcbuzz) do your people club together to feel good after one person gets cut by a slash of negadisliky?


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Hi how did you use the post menu to add this kind of feature? :slight_smile:

There is the like count and like added as default in post menu but how do you use the post menu to additional such as the dislike? Or does discourse need to be self hosted to extend the post menu items?

I didnā€™t. I used the browsers developers tools to make edits to what was displayed.

AFAIK, the closest thing to a ā€œdislikeā€ feature at this time is still


I hope it s not like the voting system.
You can vote Yes or nothing. It s very curious!

this is funny? :smiley:
hi I want to check post like and dislike status so please if you know then help me

There is no change in status from the info above.