How can I directly edit Discourse database from a GUI?

I find that for most actions it’s easier and a bit safer to access the rails console rather than directly interact with the database.

Or, if what you want to do is change a user’s password (oh, that’s not what you were trying to do, but this is still a fine example), do

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
rake admin:create

In spite of it’s name, that rake task will allow you to do

  • create a user (but it’s fine if the user exists)
  • change the password (but you don’t have to)
  • make the user an admin (but you don’t have to).

Have a look at Administrative Bulk Operations for some other examples.

But here are a few:

me=User.find_by_username ('pfaffman')
UserEmail.create!(user: me, email:')
posts_with_uploads=Post.where("raw like '%upload%' ")
  name: "mygreatgroup",
  automatic_membership_email_domains: '',
  primary_group: true,
  title: "Literate Computing Staff",
  grant_trust_level: 4,
  flair_url: ''