I have a User who forgot their password to the account.
I want to help them by changing their password but I have no option. I am the Admin. Also, the email they used for their account was one of those temporary disposable email accounts so we can not send a confirmation link.
I am not good with terminals or server issue so a step by step guide would be nice.
root@abednego-web-only:/var/www/discourse# rake admin:create
Email: jay@literatecomputing.com
User with this email already exists! Do you want to reset the password for this email? (Y/n)
Repeat password:
Ensuring account is active!
Account updated successfully!
Do you want to grant Admin privileges to this account? (Y/n) n
I followed and it worked somewhat. I am able to change the password! However, i get this message when i log in.
“You can’t log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at THROWaway@email.com. Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account.”
when i type in the new email address, i get “You are not permitted to view the requested resource.”
how do i avoid that old email confirm link? i do not have access to that.