How do I configure Category Text align, to = Center?

First take a look at the official Discourse categories HEADINGS. Notice how they are Centered on the Header display like these

Notice how both the header and the Text below are centered?
Now look at mine.

Mine Aligns LEFT.
I have gone to Category Theme Component and Set the “Text-Align” to “Center”; but I am not getting the same results. What am I doing wrong?

That is the Category Banners component. hmmm I just tested it and it’s working as expected for me. It looks like you might have some other CSS that could be doing this…


Interesting. I don’t even have any other css added, So your testing was on the same exact Theme Component?

yes. go to the theme component and make sure the align text setting is “center”, then click the “preview” button at the bottom and see if the alignment fixes? if so, then you have another theme component or CSS changing it.



Odd, here is mine. Same as yours. I am using the Mint Theme, nothing else.

Did you try the preview for the category banners component?

Yes, I did.

I just tested it with the mint theme and it works as expected


Then something is wrong with mine. Thanks so much

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Maybe try reinstalling both the Mint theme and the Category Banners component. I thought it might be the Featured Categories component (which is a part of Mint) interfering but it doesn’t seem to be.