How Do I Uninstall SSL Certificate?


Last year I installed SSL certificate from hostgator on my discourse forum hosted at Digital ocean. The certificate has expired and now I can not even access my forum and the site at reads:

This site can’t be reached
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Please guide me how to permanently remove HTTPs and get back to normal HTTP site as I no more wish to pay $100 for hostgator’s stupid SSL service.


In July 2018 hostgator has added support for free SSL for all existing and new accounts. I have installed SSL for free on all my sites and will now try installing it on discourse also. I am really pleased Hostgator made a sane decision finally and helped webmasters save $100 a year!

You can use Firefox browser to bypass certificate check (via Add exception), then go to site settings to disable SSL (lookup force https in settings).

Then you can get someone to fix up your certificate on your Digital ocean instance which is matter of properly configuring nginx or apache web server. I recommend buying and installing another (cheaper) certificate. “Normal” http is no longer normal or standard in 2019. SSL is a must!


The simplest answer is to stop the container, rename app.yml, make a note or your smtp settings, and run discourse-setup to enable https with a free certificate.


I succeeded in disabling through discourse force https method and using firefox.

Unfortunately my domain is hosted with Hostgator and hostgator does not support let’s encrypt and instead its expensive wildcard ssl package that costs over $100.

Can’t I simply remove the SSL certificate files from digital ocean servers . I installed them by read thing tutorial Advanced Setup Only: Allowing SSL / HTTPS for your Discourse Docker setup

Please guide in detail

If you did a standard install of Discourse then what I told you to do will work.

Jay I had the $99 install setup. If I can do it then can you please kindly be a little more specific so that I could understand

What kind of HostGator server is it? How would they block Letsencrypt?

Joining hostgator was my mistake. This is how they are blackmailing customers into forced paid SSL packages from camodo

How are HostGator blocking Letsencrypt? It doesn’t depend on anything on the server, issuance is done within the container over a standard web port (:80)

Found this thread New User with Hostgator Hosting - Help - Let's Encrypt Community Support Looks like HostGator is a pain but possible - specifically with (cPanel) Obtain Certificate with Let’s Encrypt – Steven Zhu's Blog

The Let’s Encrypt folks suggest either a different host, or using ZeroSSL which is that the Tutorial that Steven Zhu created demonstrates.

I haven’t used any of these instructions personally, so your mileage may vary

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It sounds like there is a cpanel plug-in for Let’s Encrypt that HostGator won’t install (or so the internet tells me) - I assume you should be able to do it with SSH, but I don’t know much about HostGator…

Let’s encrypt happens inside the docker container, why would cpanel matter?


I wasn’t saying CPanel matters, just pointing out why OP is saying HostGator is blocking Let’s Encrypt. :slight_smile:

Given that it sounds like @Mohammad got someone else to install Discourse, I was also working on the assumption they aren’t familiar with SSHing in to the server to work directly on Discourse, so installing a SSL cert in CPanel is going to be the way they want to do it, rather than at the discourse level. This might be a bad assumption.

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If my instructions above aren’t explicit enough and I did your install (I can’t find a record of your name) I’ll fix it for $150. If you don’t still have it, my contact info is in my profile.

A little update that is must to share


@Mohammad That is a happy ending for you :slight_smile: Glad it worked out for the best in the end.


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