How do users see tag descriptions on mobile?

not sure if it should be in another topic, but regarding descriptions and visibility…

currently, in a topic list and /tags, you can hover for tag description. not sure where else this happens.

i notice this does not happen when you hover over a tag in a post like migrations
is that a realistic, reasonable request?

what about extending it to category descriptions in posts like announcements ? i guess that would have to get pulled from the About the ... category topic, but /categories is already doing this.

if you’re wondering about use case, my biggest one is that i am making a site map topic.
/categories is so far insufficient for my needs because i am using tags instead of subcategories for most things.

i am finding that creating my own site map is best so far because it gives me the option to emphasize important tags (and leave out unimportant ones), and also i can order them however i want.

example site map:

# Site Map

## #food
- #asia #europe #america
- #breakfast #lunch #dinner
- #noodle #soup #baking
- #technique #healthy

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