How do users see tag descriptions on mobile?

Continuing the discussion from 2.8.0.beta9: Tag Descriptions, Recent Searches, Sticky Avatars, and more:

Hovering my finger over the screen does not work. :slight_smile: I thought maybe long press would do it, but it seems like it doesn’t — I just get a the standard browser-long-press-on-a-link menu.


They can’t yet.

In the short term they’re probably an easy addition to components like Discourse Tag Banners, but we need to think about where they should appear in Discourse otherwise.

One initial place they should go is here… but we should also switch to an :information_source: icon there instead of the :wrench: when you don’t have permission to make edits.

Screen Shot 2021-12-01 at 3.40.02 PM


I just merged this change:

Which includes changing the :wrench: to a :information_source: for normal users. Selecting that will now include the tag description below the tag name:

Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 10.23.56 AM


not sure if it should be in another topic, but regarding descriptions and visibility…

currently, in a topic list and /tags, you can hover for tag description. not sure where else this happens.

i notice this does not happen when you hover over a tag in a post like migrations
is that a realistic, reasonable request?

what about extending it to category descriptions in posts like announcements ? i guess that would have to get pulled from the About the ... category topic, but /categories is already doing this.

if you’re wondering about use case, my biggest one is that i am making a site map topic.
/categories is so far insufficient for my needs because i am using tags instead of subcategories for most things.

i am finding that creating my own site map is best so far because it gives me the option to emphasize important tags (and leave out unimportant ones), and also i can order them however i want.

example site map:

# Site Map

## #food
- #asia #europe #america
- #breakfast #lunch #dinner
- #noodle #soup #baking
- #technique #healthy

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