How to add the footer for anonymous users like Discourse Meta?

Hey folks!

We’re trying to improve the visit to signup ratio for a community, and one of the solutions was adding a footer at the bottom of topics, prompting users to signup. I really love the one used by this community, and was wondering how to replicate it. An initial search across this forum and on Google are leading me towards adding a footer as a part of the theme, but that doesn’t seem to be the same as what is used here.

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It comes out default. There is nothing you need to do to get it. It’s there already.

There are some settings in admin you can change for visit rates.

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Aah strangely, I’m unable to view the footer on our community. Is there a setting that needs to be enabled by default?

You looking for settings > register.

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The signup prompt won’t show up unless the user is interested in your site. There’s a bit more information about how we measure that here


Awesome, thanks for your response! I tried again based on the conditions and was able to trigger it to confirm it’s working.