Update the FAQ, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service

The FAQ, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service pages are each created as a topic where they can be edited and discussed.

Simply editing the first post in those topics will change the documents that appear at the static urls /tos, /privacy, and /faq (or /guidelines if you’re redirecting faq to an external page).

The faq url, privacy policy url, and tos url site settings can be used to redirect to external sites instead, as before.

Some sections of the site contents (/admin/site_contents) have been removed since they’re not used anymore.


Existing sites that were using “Privacy Policy” and “FAQ” site contents in admin don’t need to do anything. They will be copied into the new topics during the upgrade.

However, the “Terms of Service: Content License” and “Terms of Service: Miscellaneous” sections will not be copied into the topic automatically. They will continue to be available in admin so that sites that were using them can copy and paste them into the appropriate sections of the Terms of Service topic.


Because of this change, the translations have been moved into the standard yml files. Transifex can’t handle .html.erb files, and we shouldn’t have been translating them that way in the first place. The faq.*.html.erb, privacy.*.html.erb, etc. files will be going away from the repo and from Transifex soon. I left them so that translators can see them and move them into the appropriate yml file.

Additional Information

Changing Permalinks

Is there any way to change the permalinks like /faq and /tos ?

No we don’t have a way to change those routes. It’s possible with a plugin though.

Multiple Route Synonyms

There are multiple route synonyms for /faq, see the code:

  this.route("faq", { path: "/faq" });
  this.route("guidelines", { path: "/guidelines" });
  this.route("rules", { path: "/rules" });
  this.route("conduct", { path: "/conduct" });

All of those, when entered in the browser’s address bar, map to the same document we refer to as “FAQ”.

Feel free to make hyperlinks with the word you prefer, as long as it is one of the above.

Changing the Title of the FAQ Post

How can I change the title’s of the FAQ post to: “Guidelines”?

Head over to https://community.example.org/admin/customize/site_texts to change the text.


Last Reviewed by @SaraDev on 2022-06-10T19:00:00Z