How to change the port from docker - help

I’ve set up ningx to run other websites on the same machine as Discourse.
I used following description: Running other websites on the same machine as Discourse
I din’t followed all steps again (cause I was already further with the installation), but changed the container description like it was advice

Now I somehow need to change the port. When type in localhost in my browser I see the nginx welcome page but also the discourse favicon.

For the reason the mail setup was not correctly I was thinking to just reinstall discourse. Here I just reseave the message:

root@ubuntu:/var/discourse# ./discourse-setup

"Port 80 appears to already be in use.

If you are trying to run Discourse simultaneously with another web
server like Apache or nginx, you will need to bind to a different port


While I have like zero experience with these kind of work, I have no idea what to do. All I know is that I need to change the port of docker.

But how, and which port can I use?

. thx :slight_smile:

lg Paul

I’ve manged to change the port. In the end it was very simple.

(if this description is correct I don’t know, I just describe what I did, so that the port was free and I could continue with the installing process)

edit the file discourse-setup

`sudo -s
cd /var/discourse
nano discourse-setup

Nano should open inside the shell. Search for the line with port 80 and change it to a port which is free.

To save the changes and exit nano you press
crl + ^ + x