How to change the sidebar font size?

The sidebar font size is too small. How to change it?


I believe you can use some CSS.
Insert the following in your theme CSS or a component.
It uses a predefined base font size, but you can use a literal value as needed.

.sidebar-sections {
    font-size: var(--base-font-size-larger);

If you need a little larger, try --base-font-size-largest :slight_smile:

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In addition to this, you can go to



You can change the font size here.


Hi, where can I put the CSS?

Hi Aaron, I am a admin, by my font size setting, will all visitors of my website see the largest font size?

Hi @Frankz it looks like you are on our Basic plan - there are no custom themes or components until the next tier up, the standard plan.

there is an admin setting the can change the forum font size.

note that users can override their default forum text size in the user preferences interface settings.


Hi Lillian, I am a admin, if in standard plan, I change my font size setting, will all visitors of my website see the largest font size?

Where can I put CSS in standard plan and basic plan?

Yes or no, depending on if you complete the pop-up here once you apply the size.


Hi Aaron, Very good. Where can I put the CSS?

@Frankz Sorry if my earlier post wasn’t clear but CSS customization isn’t possible for Basic hosting plans.