How to create a collaborative database about tree species

I’ve completed an installation/setup at

This is a forum for regenerative farming practitioners and one main need is to create a collaborative tree species database. I’ll describe the requirements and the solution I found out with a little research.


  1. Some user levels can create new trees(name,size, biome, etc). The topic/wiki allows further discussions about the tree attributes that can lead to updates in its values.
  2. The database should be available for anyone to download.


  • Create a wiki category
  • Use the custom wizard plugin to structure the tree dataset
  • Write a code to dump the database of trees

Do you think this is the best solution or see any alternative approaches?

As I did not test the custom wizard plugin, my concern is whether it will allow anyone to edit the data or just the wiki owner. Can you support me? @angus :slight_smile:

Custom Wizard definitely has a broad range of use/capabilities.

However to limit who can edit a wiki. Use Groups and category permissions.

So for example Bob seems to be very knowledgeable and has asked if he can help/submit & assist maintaining the database(s).

He applies to join Tree Wiki Group.

Tree Wiki Category security settings

  • Everyone - See
  • Tree Wiki Group - See/Create/Reply

You can also set a Setting that when someone tries to post in a wiki group topic it displays

“You must be a part of x group. Would you like to apply?”

This can be configured to be a link to take the person to pm group owners.

From here I will leave this for someone with better knowledge to answer your other queries.

This is a good approach. I guess it could be a little different, right?

  • Everyone - See/Reply
  • Tree Wiki Group - See/Create/Reply (anyone can be part of the discussion, but just moderators can update the tree attributes)

I think the permission to edit wiki posts is tied to the reply permission.


The Custom Wizard plugin does indeed have many uses, however I would use a dedicated data editing tool for this, outside of Discourse. I would then put a link to the relevant part of the tool in a post in a topic, or perhaps even embed a view of the data in the post if that’s possible, and host the discussion in Discourse.


Thank you Angus, I’m considering this alternative! But do you have any reason not to use the custom wizard? I installed it, created a form, and considered using the custom fields to add the data to the view.

It was not clear how a moderator would edit the data later on. I couldn’t get at this point because it was failing to create the topic, there is an error probably related to the integration with the Multilingual plugin.

error: failed to create - You must include at least 1 topic language.